Phasmophobia – TARGET ON MY BACK HERE!
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Phasmophobia – TARGET ON MY BACK HERE!
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Howdy Skizz!
Happy New Year Skizz!
hey skizz hope your doing good
Also happy new year skizz 😀
2:03:56 Grian joins the game 👍👍
First Skizz vid of 2025, ready for all the amazing humor and silly faces and bits!!!
10:24 skizz's christmas gift, if you're like me and coming from impy's pov
Woo! Got a nice speaker for Christmas and now I can veg out a watch the best stream
Okay, I did not sign up for Imp saying "Your butt be looking firm." But I'm not mad about it lol!
great way to start of 2025 😁😁
You have a wonderful daughter. That was a well thought out gift. 😊
11:46 Skizz: Don't ruin the moment.
Impulse: Your butt be lookin' firm, sir. 😂😂😂
Hi Mrs S!
making noise when you do something physical isn't a bad thing! for one thing it forces you to breathe. this is why martial arts involve going HUAH
Bison is better .
When the Lunar Satellite reflects upon your ocular nerve, surely it is the Moroi. 😛
When you do a "chair stream" you should find a way to have your plushy be your stand-in!!
Finally got my skizz and impulse plushie!!! I am so excited 😆
2:32:00 WTF skizz you should know the wax in a lava lamp cant change colors that would be cool AF if they could
Five minutes in and I'm already regretting not catching the stream 🥲
Owls have a special adaptation to their wings that makes their flying nearly completely silent and the difference between one feather from say.. a vulture.. or an eagle to an entire owl wing.. is amazing!!!
If you really want to get into self help, listen to Mikhaila Peterson’s dad. He is a psychologist and a great one at that.
I keep hearing him say things like Phasmo soundtrack and stuff. Well, the funny thing is that i changed the lyrics from Metal Machine by Sabaton to fit Phasmo things. Way ahead of you all XD
That is a well thought Gift from your Daughter Skizzleman.
Hey Skizz, hope Drax's test results come back looking good. Just wanted to say how greatful I am for your videos and how much your stories and the podcast has inspired me this past year. I've lost somewhere between 20-30 lbs and I just maxed out my fourth machine at the gym on Friday, did six or seven reps on the leg-press at just under 419 lbs. Getting in better shape has also done wonders for my anxiety, which has on occasion been damn-near crippling. So thank you for being the inspiration that you are, never stop being you.
skizz, if you were a new ghost in phasmo, you'd be loud on the parabolic mic like a myling, have a special skizz-scream on the spirit box like a banshee, and… hmm i'm thinking UV and orbs for the other two evidence. Normal blink, slower speed, slow to hunt but roams towards the players. Do I know why any of this? Nope! but it feels right lol
omg the water drinking contest at 16:00 lmao
Edit – love everyone trying to come up with a nickname for Skizz' wife, i personally like "Skizzlema'am" tbh
18:00 first round!
1:43:20 impy having a stroke
1:46:25 i literally just had gone to get a snack and hear the sound play and went SKIZZZZ
2:04:00 G-sharp joins!!
2:36:25 first round with lava lamp cam!
The breaker's on! Nananana nanananana 🎶
Love that Mrs. Skizz has different hair from the cooking stream a while back. Very punk rock! Obviously the story of how you two met is your business but I’ll just be over here imagining you were young aspiring punks in love ♥️🤘🏻