Phasmophobia – TARGET ON MY BACK HERE!

Phasmophobia – TARGET ON MY BACK HERE!
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32 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – TARGET ON MY BACK HERE!”

  1. Five minutes in and I'm already regretting not catching the stream 🥲

    Owls have a special adaptation to their wings that makes their flying nearly completely silent and the difference between one feather from say.. a vulture.. or an eagle to an entire owl wing.. is amazing!!!

  2. I keep hearing him say things like Phasmo soundtrack and stuff. Well, the funny thing is that i changed the lyrics from Metal Machine by Sabaton to fit Phasmo things. Way ahead of you all XD

  3. Hey Skizz, hope Drax's test results come back looking good. Just wanted to say how greatful I am for your videos and how much your stories and the podcast has inspired me this past year. I've lost somewhere between 20-30 lbs and I just maxed out my fourth machine at the gym on Friday, did six or seven reps on the leg-press at just under 419 lbs. Getting in better shape has also done wonders for my anxiety, which has on occasion been damn-near crippling. So thank you for being the inspiration that you are, never stop being you.

  4. skizz, if you were a new ghost in phasmo, you'd be loud on the parabolic mic like a myling, have a special skizz-scream on the spirit box like a banshee, and… hmm i'm thinking UV and orbs for the other two evidence. Normal blink, slower speed, slow to hunt but roams towards the players. Do I know why any of this? Nope! but it feels right lol

  5. Love that Mrs. Skizz has different hair from the cooking stream a while back. Very punk rock! Obviously the story of how you two met is your business but I’ll just be over here imagining you were young aspiring punks in love ♥️🤘🏻


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