Phasmophobia: Tarot Cards are Funny af

killing people with Tarot Cards


25 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: Tarot Cards are Funny af”

  1. Usually I don’t like videos that has microphones that sounds like its from the xbox 360 afterglow headset days but since this clip is golden I’ll let it slide just this once

  2. I once got "The moon" and "The sun" in a row. A few games later one of my friends got "The moon" and wanted to go to the van to get sanity pills. I said he should use the card again, maybe he'll get "The sun". And he got it!
    He died later that round because of "The hanged man". lmao

  3. Ok. I want to say this now before it eats me alive. I did not expect this to blow up like it did. Ik I said I was suprised at 2k but this video has reached 63k views and 2k likes. I just cant believe that this happened to me. Thank you everyone who has viewed and left such nice comments.


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