Phasmophobia: Teddy Bear Army (Solo – Professional – Grafton)

Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.

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Shout-out to my patreon supporters:
Sanity, Michael Savage, Mantha21, Arcturus, Azrael, Beans, DeeTower, thrillofthefright, Kobold Keesh, Stephanie, Sickish, Vivianwinter, TotallyNotRenee, Robert Stewart, CandyCadette, Renee Anderson, StormBladez90, Rhoannon Mitchell, Mika, Jacob Webb, BluBudgies, Safton, M Kranch, Cursy Smurf Erica, Bradley Udink, Cody Remkus, Heater Croy, Zachary W, Kira Smite, Danielius Komoliubio, Lana Albert, Samantha Shobe, Sean Riddle, Gina Marie, TheFox, Shadaia, Nina Toll, and BIG SHOUTOUT to DOGE and JASON WALLACE!


37 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: Teddy Bear Army (Solo – Professional – Grafton)”

  1. I just grinded this game for 95hrs . Also a key thing to point out is that I bought this game on Sunday. I straight up no-lifed it all night and got to level 370. Love your content. Thanks !

  2. Teddy Bear Shrine just happens to be for a Pajama Lady. XD Eerie coincidence… Hope your'e taking screenshots of these for posterity. Wait, you build a toy shrine but then deny it to the ghost child? I'm calling parental services!

    Phasmo Trainer: "Now keep in mind that the ghost may hunt soon, so this is why the crucifixes were dropped here and here."
    Phasmo Trainee: "Yeah, don't wanna see a hunt…"
    Phasmo Trainer: "And the other thing- wait, what are you doing with those stuffed animals?"
    Venttex: "Got to build an army."
    Phasmo Trainee: "Huh?"
    Phasmo Trainer: "That's not in my lessons. Does that give you extra Interaction money? I haven't heard of that."
    Venttex: "It's the first Teddy Bear Army in history."
    Phasmo Trainer: "But what does it-? Does it ward off ghosts hunts?"
    Phasmo Trainee: "I'll go get the bear from the back room!"
    Venttex: "Thanks! Grab the sensitive skin lotion while you're there!"
    Phasmo Trainer: "The sensitive skin…? Oh, I give up." (retires to the truck)
    Karen: "Me too. Doesn't get the hint no matter how much I turn the lights off…"
    Venttex: "Now, Karen, your employees deserve the respect of proper illumination while their army is built with the most delicate caress."

    I've only died once- was in Grafton by hiding in that same back room you advised here- will never hide there again. I had both doors closed, was halfway back into that storage room, just waiting to get a hunt for the crucifix objective. It was a Spirit with a downstairs living room "home". Hunt started and it just directly walked right upstairs, through both the bedroom door and storage room door, took me completely by surprise. You once almost died to the same thing in an earlier vid: ghost just came through the door at you in that room despite clearly not having followed you there. You looped around that back box stack and just narrowly avoided death. Those doors must be glitched or maybe it can see through the wall or floor somehow. By contrast in Tanglewood I can hide in the closet in the next room over from the Ghost Room and it'll never get me.


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