Katherine (the redhead), Angeline (the other girl), and alex (the only dude) all go to an abandoned house for a fun ghost hunt, little do they know it ends in disaster..
Programs used:
Power director
1-3 weeks(mostly from procrastinating..)
Is this ghost busters?
Nice! You have some real talent. Awesome animatic on a great Random Encounters vid. Worth the sub.
on no
Amazing love how u kept the ghost hidden through the entire thing. I also loved how when he threw the book and it landed open (I think) it says that calling the ghosts name will anger it
From the RE FAQ:
Can I do a cover of/animate/etc an RE song?
Yes! We love seeing what fans creatively do with our work. Just be sure to:
– Give it a different title (for YouTube searching algorithms)
– Give us credit! On fan YouTube videos we request at minimum:
Credit in the description (with a link)
Credit in the video footage
Something in the title to notify viewers it is a fan production (Cover, Japanese dub, etc)
If you plan to animate one of our songs, please wait a full year after ours premiered to avoid competing with our video.
Wait did you give nate hair?!