Phasmophobia: The New Ouija Board Questions!

New phasmophobia Ouija questions that we ask…
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Tags: phasmophobia,phasmophobia ouija board,phasmophobia gameplay,phasmophobia game,phasmophobia update,phasmophobia ouija board questions,phasmophobia new ouija board,phasmo phobia new ouija board,phasmo phobia ouija board,ouija board phasmophobia,how to use an ouija board phasmophobia,ouija board phasmophobia new,phasmo,phobia,phasmophobia new ouija board questions,phasmo phobia new ouija board questions,new,phasmophobia ouija questions,phasmo phobia ouija questions,try


9 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: The New Ouija Board Questions!”

  1. What's funny is when I was playing the game with my mate, we asked where the ghost was, we got "Garage"

    I then asked how it died, we got "Slipped" which made us burst out of laughter

    We then died almost immediately after, which we joked that the ghost didn't appreciate us laughing at it


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