Phasmophobia: The Strongest Throw EVER – LVL 864

This ghost did the strongest throw I have EVER seen! We immediately knew it was either an Oni or Poltergeist. Really awesome to see! This was also a Bleasdale attic ghost which made it even better. This Phasmophobia run was really fun and I hope you enjoy it! 😀

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39 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: The Strongest Throw EVER – LVL 864”

  1. I am okay with some glitches, but depending on what kind of glitches player using and when. In singleplayer you can do all kinds of shenanigans, cause there is only you, in multiplayer game if this glitches didn't ruin game completely or isn't annoying to another players it's fine then.

  2. I never understood why people in phasmo would glitch the door. there was a girl in an instance that when I asked why is she glitching the doors and just went "Oh when you play this game as much as I do you'll understand" like what? why would I purpously cheat something that makes the game so much more thrilling and fun. I get it losing items sucks but its a part of the game.

  3. The moment you said "Dark Souls 3, specific unintended jump" I INSTANTLY knew you were talking about the Firelink tree skip. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure EVERY Dark Souls 3 player has at least attempted that jump.

    About my opinion on glitches, I've always believed that harmless glitches are fine, especially fun ones that doesn't really change anything, both in single and multiplayer games. I believe the tree jump in DS3 is one of those harmless glitches, since it doesn't change much, you get the key in early game anyways, and the items aren't so powerful they break the game or anything. It's honestly mostly a fun trick to show off to your friends.

    Glitches/exploits that give you an advantage or breaks the game should be kept in singleplayer however, and it's your own choice whether you want to use them.

    Also, about glitches in speedrunning, I'm just gonna say… There's a REASON why there is almost always a category for no major glitches, and sometimes even no glitches at all, in games.

    But I might also be kinda biased, because I LOVE speedrunning and LOVE watching speedruns even more, especially ones with a bunch of glitches and skips.

  4. As long as it’s 1) not against rules for example in speed running and 2) not in online games that affect other players I think it’s totally fine you should play the way you want and if you can make things easier why shouldn’t you?

  5. Halo 2 was my favourite game ever and the glitches in that game were amazing. Being able to hyjack banchees and the hopping off tanks to get into pelicans to ride out of the map and explore, using grenade jumps and such to get over walls and get to parts of levels before youre supposed to and being able to get weapons you shouldn’t like the scarab gun. Absolute masterpiece.

  6. Oh, and speaking of glitches and in relation to that intro… So, me and a friend are messing with a townhouse bathroom shade, waiting for dirty water. And we glitch for the hell of it. So, I'm standing on the end table right outside of the bathroom. The ghost spawns to hunt just as he's going into the bedroom right next to the bathroom and she follows him, but he manages to run through her before the hunt actually starts and runs around the corner to the garage to hide. Well, she loses sight of him and instantly focuses on me, who's now stuck on the end table. She's just running in place at me. And If I crouch, I die. If I look down, I die. It damn near looked like she was going to glitch up on the end table with me. So we're laughing about it and it dawned on me what this must look like… Needless to say, this was not the pro job that I signed up for XD XD XD XD

  7. In singleplayer games, id say go crazy with glitches you want to, it's your game and experience. In multiplayer glitches that don't give you an unfair advantage are cool too. Like in apex, there used to be a glitch that a specific bloodhound skin would get a really long neck when they would go on the Sheila turret, that was really funny and didn't hurt anyone

  8. For me I feel like there are 3 different types of glitches/exploits. You’ve got visual glitches and other small glitches that don’t really effect anything those are fine most of the time. Then you’ve got your medium glitches that can help a little bit but you have to repeat it over and over or it does only a little bit for those ones they’re ok most of the time. Then there’s the big game breaking ones. Most of the time with these glitches they’re the ones you want to be patched right away and give a huge advantage/disadvantage. With these I only would use them in solo games rarely if they help.

  9. I think glitches are fine as long as they're not game breaking. Some of my favorite glitches in games are the Swing Launch glitch in GTA IV and the Gate Launch glitch in GTA V. These glitches sent the player's vehicle/character flying up into the air at a million miles per hour and it was just too funny to witness with friends. Unfortunately Rockstar tried to patch all of those glitches out because it messed with their precious 'multiplayer stunts' stats, which I think is ridiculous. We didn't gain anything from having the highest airtime, or the greatest number of spins in the air, or anything else related to stunts, it was just another stat in your character achievements, the glitch was just for fun nothing more

  10. In single player games, personally, my first play through I don’t use any glitches (intentionally) unless it’s something super minor or if I am really dreading a part of the game. After that first play through though, anything’s fair game. In competitive multiplayer games however, especially if it’s a useful glitch, I am very against it. In a PvE game like Phasmo, I’d do big glitches if my friends were ok with it and if we were just messing around anyways. The only kind of glitches I’m ok with universally are the useless ones.

  11. I think glitches/exploits that ruin the fun for you (or worse, for others) are definitely different. Some are great, though! Iirc the movement system in Warframe that everyone loves started out as a "glitch" used to move faster. As for phasmo, my friends and I have used the counter glitch before, but only in a couple of rounds and I wouldn't use it in a lobby with randoms or in a more "serious" game. When we are just fucking around as friends, it's kinda anything goes. Video games are for fun!

    On another note, it's funny how the stuff from your streams has started to bleed into our own games of phasmo (like yelling "do something, you won't!" at ghosts). Thanks for the great videos!! <3

  12. Certain glitches ruin the point of the game, however cool glitches like getting out of the truck/map is fun on occasion. teleporting through the locker on a certain map back to the truck, kind of game breaking, doing it once just for fun? kind of cool.

  13. For glitches it depends. If it doesnt ruin a game and allow you to get things faster then I will use the glitch but if its completely broken then I will refuse to use the glitch

  14. I think, it really is gonna depend on the glitch, honestly. Some glitches are fun, while other glitches are sort of game breaking and take away from the overall experience of the game. Such as invincibility glitches. Sometimes part of the point of the game is the fear of dying. Once that's taken away, it lessens the experience.

  15. if it's singleplayer stuff you play, i think advantage glitches would only ruin the game where you're like cheesing a boss (you damage it and its not doing anything in return coz u're in a place it cant reach) or becoming invincible, but sometimes if it's to skip something repetetive I think it's fine. however game breaking glitches that just make the games too easy overall that's just not fun


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