Phasmophobia Twins Guide (DEEP DIVE)

In this Phasmophobia Twins Guide I am going to give you a complete overview of this ghost so you can easily identify it including …


21 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Twins Guide (DEEP DIVE)”

  1. Thank you for the guide. Telling between The Twins speed variants to a normal speed ghost, and Onryos doing things with candles are the only things I dont understand in phas so this helps out a lot with me.

  2. I got the twins last night in sunny meadows with a custom times 15.3 difficulty and all I needed to do was get a ghost pic and have it burn crucifixes. This video explained the hunt spawning and how crucifixes work which explains exactly why it spawned so far from the room and killed me. I was near the chapel with a smudge and 100 default player speed and no sprint. I had no chance of out running it and hiding even while using the smudge. The ghost room was female room 2 but it spawned in the upper right hallway zooming at 150% speed. I got emf5 from the door on female room 3. The ghost messed around more in its giant radius compared to the ghost room. Very helpful video.

  3. I love this idea of the deep dives, can't wait for more! As for improvements, I'd say that you could have a summary at the end of the video showing most important things you mentioned in the video! Things like its ability, movements speed, etc. Keep up the good work (:

  4. One interesting thing, as far as I know, The Twins is the only ghost that can start a hunt right on top of a functioning crucifix. Because the crucifix only checks for the ghost's physical location, regardless of which "twin" is hunting, if the last long range interaction happened close to a crucifix, and the physical ghost is not within range of said crucifix, if it starts a fast twin hunt, it'll do so from within range of that crucifix.

  5. when I saw the title, I immediately wished that this is the start of the DEEP DIVE series
    and now I'm so hopeful 😀
    I can't wait to watch the whole series and relearn everything
    who knows, maybe there's something new, down in the depths 😉

  6. I like how they implemented The Twins. Despite the game engine being unable to actually have 2 ghost, the larger interaction radius does a really good job of actually pretending there's a second one. I wish they would be able to hunt together with a small % tho.

  7. I think the way CJ described it was that there are technically two ghosts, with one basically… sitting on top of the other's shoulders and having stupidly long arms?

    I didn't know the range was THAT long for the decoy interaction though! That puts some things into perspective.


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