Phasmophobia Ultra Scrublord Edition: Ghostnutters 3

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0:00 Xiltix vs nana
3:15 Start the game
3:40 Screams & chills


42 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Ultra Scrublord Edition: Ghostnutters 3”

  1. Wtf… the system requirements are higher than you'd expect for this game. I was thinking it could be cool to play with a couple of friends who have half decent old laptops but they probably won't be able to run it.

  2. Gundam! You have got to play this game with Madd Vlad of The Outer Middle show. You guys have the same kind of humor and big dick energy my boy. That stream would win YouTube and twitch forever!

  3. If the lady only spoke turkish–and your security guard also–just happened to speak turkish… I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the two thngs are related. 2:05

    Now whether it was security's mom, or his granny lover, I cannot say.

  4. So Sony bricked my ps4 with update 9.00, and Sony has no active customer service reps for ps4s to help me fix it or anything. They have them for ps5 but not ps4. And the fact that it was Sony that bricked my ps4 is so upsetting. How is no-one talking about this??? Can’t get in contact with anyone at Sony to replace what they broke, and they want me to pay when filling out a repair thing cuz my ps4 out of warranty. I just need a usb with the update but I can’t even get in contact with anyone

    Bruh i been a Sony fanboy/ customer since ps2. Wtf is this. Fr about to give up on em too. Feels like planned obsolescence.

  5. Phasmo sux balls. The moment you die once, you see all the track paths for the 'ghost' and the game just loses it's suspense. A horror game can't 'horror' if you can't suspend your disbelief…Still, fkn funny watching you lot play, lol


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