Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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Can you record in 360° so people can watch in VR? Thank you.
I think you forgot with VR that you can carry 4 items instead of 3. Lol But also that was a fun episode, first time commenting on one of your videos. Got me into the donuts! 😆
little vr tip: you can carry 4 equipments at a time if you didnt know
Why is the FOV so far
You can heard his excitement 😉
VR YESSS! I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Great video! For some reason the camera is invisible tho haha. Also the journal & thermometer are near impossible to read
Do 0% insanity solos with VR
I can't see the thermometer reading in the video.😅 And the camera seems to be invisible.
Hey ventex, I play almost exclusively VR for phasmophobia, the reason you had trouble throwing items in the beginning of the video is because there’s a glitch with VR in phas atm. Essentially if you pick up, then put down, then pick up the item, only then are you able to throw it with more natural physics. If you just pick up an item that you haven’t touched before it will just drop to the floor when you let it go instead of being thrown. This also happens if you weren’t the last person to touch that item.
-added note, been watching you since about holloween, my brother and I both really enjoy your content, keep doing what you’re doing my guy.
I'm so glad you still get scared with ghosts appearing despite playing for as long as you have. You're not alone.
Second comment,
You asked if anybody has issues with stairs in VR, YES ABSOLUTELY! The only solution I’ve found is angling your head roughly 45 degrees upward (parallel to the incline of the stairs) you go down stairs faster because you naturally look down stairs as you go down, but you don’t naturally look up, so try that. Mind you, no matter what in VR you are MUCH slower going up or down stairs than either the ghost or your keyboard compatriots. Advice from me, do not use stairs to escape the ghost, I lose roughly half the time I use stairs as escape.
This issue is especially noticeable in the Roadhouse maps, and is least noticeable in the school map.
Also, you may sometimes be caught going down the staircase where the game will immediately stop you, from my experience in other games I believe it’s because when you move too fast in VR it will think you’re clipping into the wall or staircase and stop you from moving in that direction. This is instant death when running from the ghost. It’s also most likely to happen when going down stair instead of up stairs.
"You can see the texture of that camera… HD…" You heard it here, it's not only invisible in the recording, it's HD invisible!
Third and last comment:
There are some pretty game breaking glitches you can perform in VR, one of which is very similar to how the Keyboard players can glitch on top of sinks and other furniture using the doors. I would like for these glitches to be removed from the game because (as fun as they are to show off) they can be exploited similar to how you can block the front door open so you can escape during a haunt. I would really like to show you these glitches so you may (under your discretion) show these glitches off to the community and hopefully get the devs attention to it. I’m not anybody special in the community so I would hope your voice would be able to reach them better than mine.
All the best
Damn the VR makes the game more scary. Hope someday I can afford one for my videos.
Q u a l i t y
Hey ventex been playing vr on this since day one
You need to change some settings.
1 change it to head movement from hand. This way you can move top speed wherever your heads point.
2 To turn faster put it to smooth and turn speed to 15.
3 For stairs I go up them sideways for the first step.
If your not used to fast turning on vr. Sit in a chair till you get used to it. I play sitting down. It's similar to your odd job challenge. I do it every day.
For starter equipment I use flashlight book therm and camera with tripod. Just place down camera whenever u need to talk to teammates or open doors. And this w as y you prop up the book wherever the camera points
If you have questions. Hit me up here or on steam. My name is detno
chief of Secuity.
As a leftie I really hope they fix that left hand problem.
VR with Cam
Are you scared enter library ?
Ouji board spam there.
“Maria! get over here” anyone??
Nice nice nice nice nice nice <3
Camera is invisible for us. Also it's hard to see thermometer numbers. Maybe there's a way you could have a small window on screen with the object in your hand up close somehow? As I feel like the view is perfect for us viewers otherwise. But the hands look like their so far away.
How can see the temps?
Fucking hell
That was my own dumb ass. I had you playing in the back ground and the end reader went off I thought for a hot min fire alarm. 🤦🏻♀️
Ventex you can carry 4 items in vr if you put 2 items in the belt and dual wield items
You’re such a goof! Glad you could get the VR kinda figured out. You’re doing great sir!
If you see a VR person you can touch stuff on their waist and hands. I like that.
Hello Mr. Venttex. I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate your videos. I watch them with my daughters and I very much appreciate how family friendly you are. My daughters are big fans of you and your videos. Thanks so much.
Stairs are a pain in VR. It's a lot of fun, but it has some of the weirdest clipping issues
I like your videos but they are better not in VR. Cant see everything as well.
i drop things constantly when im in vr XD
I just wish it didnt make me sick 🙁
Hey, Venttex a little tip. When you next play VR go into setting and see if you've got toggle grip on.
Hold to grip is much more immersive plus you can throw things much easier and further.
Also, make sure you've got locomotion set to head orientated not hand. You move at a more consistent speed
Yay!! Vr content!! The craigslist ghost hunter can steal laptops and donuts in virtual reality now!😀
So which do you enjoy more? Classic Pc Ghost hunting or VR Ghost hunting 👻
What HMD did you get? I've been playing this on the Index and I love it lol
Can you imagine being able to play as the ghost? Choose your type, pick a room for your main room. Maybe have different things you can do, when you start your hunt you pick your start location. Just tossing out ideas.
Ok now seriously how the hell did you not get scared???? IN VR!!!!!!! I WOULD 💩 MY PANTS IN DESKTOP MODE GOD DAMN. I once tried it in VR … Never again
Haven't watched you in a while.
Any interesting Revenant runs? It seems like it's the only ghost that gives you pause.
Good job! 😀
Lolol "violence. Yes! I love violence." 😆
@1:20 “ We’re here “
Also Game Announcer: “ Alright we’re here “
Lol kinda funny to me
Great news Venttex! A VR set gives a different layer of depth for a familiar game, certainly at times it is more terrifying than with a keyboard and mouse
Also, this episode was awesome as always! Nice work man 👍
Good on you for using the hand sanitizer, no need to catch ghost corona
what vr headset are you using?
Going up the stairs are a whole nother story. No pun intended?
Have you tried changing your VR movement settings yet? Sorry but I'm late to watching these videos. I always have my movement direction set to be the direction I'm looking at, rather than what my hands are doing. If you have it set to your hands then it's much harder to predict how you'll move and at what speed.
In VR for some reason you're slower when looking down (if movement is headset-controlled) or when pointing your movement hand down (if movement is set to hand-controlled).