Playing Phasmophobia in VR (Valve Index)
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Hey Gopher! Thanks for the uploads as always 😀
Chopherico was awesome!
Yay, more of gopher to brighten my day!
That is, without a doubt, the most dimly lit gym I have ever seen
Youtube's bitrate seems particularly horrible with this video… I love seeing all three of you do stuff together, though, always makes for great videos.
Anyone notice the shadow in the living room 50:02 ? Creepy
LOL, this school’s classroom looks like jail.
I'm loving the team dynamics in these videos, I really hope you play more of this.
Here's my suggestion to get going: Bing an EMF & temp sensor. Look for a room that goes under 12c and that's likely the ghost's room. Scanning with EMF can tell you where the ghost is and what they have interacted with for a short while (doors, lights, etc.) Once you find the cold room start dumping your things there. Then you bring the book, spirit radio, etc, etc. Using those items in the ghost's room increases the chance it will respond if it can.
On huge maps like this you can bring a parabolic mic to scan slowly around the area in a 3d scan. It can go through walls and stuff. Look for the highest number and start going that way. Basically it's like a compass that points towards the ghost.
Last tip: if you turn on more than 4 lights on the smaller maps the breaker will blow and all lights will be turned off. On bigger maps I believe the number is 8. That said, staying in the light is the best way to keep your sanity high, so try to keep the lights on but only in the areas you need to get to the ghost room and back.
seriously with the car alarm?
666 views, well then… If he doesn't get a demon I'm going to disappointed xD
The lights went off because overloaded the circuit by turning to many on
I'm really enjoying the team work/ lack of team work playing out in this series.
This was amazing!! The interactions where great, loved it!!
At 24:00 the ghost is literally in the room with them but they were unaware. I heard her humming 😂. Also a few tips. You don't have to hold the EMF or Ghost Box. Just find a room with activity (usually the coldest room where you see your breath) and drop them somewhere while on. Some Ghost don't like lights. Also take photos of whoever died for Insurance. They won't lose their supplies as well.
Quarico is adorable.
UGG, should always make sure EVERYONE has their journal marked before leaving. 😐
at 26:30 : Gopher " the 2 of you need to get out of here ". quarico: "OK!!!!!"
My dog does not appreciate that car alarm, he keeps running to the dor to go bark. Luckily for me, I am watching this one during lunch.
RIP Quarico. 🙁
It’s strange seeing gopher and clay playing a game without any base building