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If you wanna check out Poko Fren!
🎉 Coni Confetti: @ConfettiConi
🪫 Echo Lyne: @EchoVNU
🔆 Suri Solari: @SuriVNU
✦ ────────····【 ✦ MARSHMALLOW + Q&A ✦ 】 ····─────────✦
💙 https://marshmallow-qa.com/pokorakun
✦ ────────····【 ✦ WHO ARE YOU??? ✦ 】 ····─────────✦
Yo! I am Poko Rakun. Idol’s thieving raccoon at your service, Yes sir!
Let’s get into some mischevious and devious activities together. Hehe.
✦ ────────····【 ✦ CHANNEL RULES ✦ 】 ····─────────✦
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✦ ────────····【 ✦ Twitter ✦ 】 ····─────────✦
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pokorakun
✦ ────────····【 ✦ Idol ✦ 】 ····─────────✦
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✧ Website: https://idol-company.com/
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#IdolEN #Endless
Another really fun collab
Cute shy Pogo
Poko and Coni is so hyper in this collab, you girls are hilarious! I hope Echo and Suri had fun as well!
Take care Poko!
Ok first, both you and Coni are very cute. Second, nothing wrong with tomboys. I could watch you and Coni being dorks for hours…. proof, I just did.
fun collab, i love watching you have fun with your friends even if that means you won't pay attention to chat too much love my little ragu happy
Coni and Poko being a bunch of dorks and Suni and Echo fighting for their lives was an amazing contrast , Poko love
Poko and Coni are my favorite dudes hangin' at the watercooler
Just a couple of bros being dudes Thanks for the laughs today
Blessed collab, you and the clown were so hopped up full of energy haha, I kept laughing so much A shame there weren’t that many pogo screams of fear to bless my ears tho
Thank you for the collab Poko :3
Fun collab stream poko
i thought the VOD is gone thank god is not