PHASMOPHOBIA W/ @ConfettiConi @EchoVNU @SuriVNU

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If you wanna check out Poko Fren!
🎉 Coni Confetti: @ConfettiConi
🪫 Echo Lyne: @EchoVNU
🔆 Suri Solari: @SuriVNU

✦ ────────····【 ✦ MARSHMALLOW + Q&A ✦ 】 ····─────────✦


✦ ────────····【 ✦ WHO ARE YOU??? ✦ 】 ····─────────✦

Yo! I am Poko Rakun. Idol’s thieving raccoon at your service, Yes sir!
Let’s get into some mischevious and devious activities together. Hehe.

✦ ────────····【 ✦ CHANNEL RULES ✦ 】 ····─────────✦

✧ No doxing or sharing personal information.
✧ No bullying and harrassment to Poko or chatters.
✧ No politics/controversial topics/spamming/RP/trolling.
✧ If you have any issue with someone or something in chat ignore or report to mods.
✧ No talking or bringing up other streamers unless Poko brings them up.
✧ No spoilers or backseating unless asked to.
✧ No going off-topic. This includes the waiting room.
✧ Please use English in chat.

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11 thoughts on “PHASMOPHOBIA W/ @ConfettiConi @EchoVNU @SuriVNU”

  1. fun collab, i love watching you have fun with your friends even if that means you won't pay attention to chat too much love my little ragu happy

  2. Blessed collab, you and the clown were so hopped up full of energy haha, I kept laughing so much A shame there weren’t that many pogo screams of fear to bless my ears tho


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