Phasmophobia What is this?! Well…that's different.

During my first twitch test run last night, my partner had died. I went to check for orbs and saw this instead. 1550+ hours and I can definitely say that’s a first. Any guesses!?


24 thoughts on “Phasmophobia What is this?! Well…that's different.”

  1. That's a flashlight coming through the doorway on the left; you can see some illumination on the inside face of the door. It first shines on the hinge side of the door and appears to be moving at a player speed, so that's a player approaching the house with their flashlight pointed towards the Twin Bedroom window. If your partner was the only other player and was dead, then… uh… either he died in there and the flashlight was rolling (which I don't believe they do) or it was a passing, low-altitude U.F.O..

    EDIT: Right before the light on the right side vanishes, it appears to be obscured by a square-shaped object. My guess is that the player was holder a spirit box on his way in. That's the end of my shoddy investigative work.

  2. I think the 2 weirdest things I've had happen were seeing the ghosts reflection in a picture hanging on the wall but not the ghost. It was a hallway roamer and I was sassing it, next thing I know I looked over at the picture and saw it's reflection like it was standing in front of me staring at me. Thought it was my friend but he was moving all over the place and then it disappeared. Second was when my partner and I left our emf readers in the ghost room and he went back to the van and as I was leaving the room the sound the emf readers make (when you turn them on and off) kept going off like it was messing with them. I'm assuming it was a glitch on both accounts but was scary as hell.

  3. Probably, as some already said, it's a light glitch. But for the last part, I thought it might have been a ghostly air ball (when the ghost ball hisses at you). But not sure if you need to be near for it to trigger.

  4. I noticed this today too! I was hunting a Jinn, and when I kept telling it to show itself, I saw a little spectral orb like that come toward me, then I heard the ghost do it's breathing in my ear. Might be a new feature

  5. Walked through what I originally thought was the ghost mist event on Prison today a good 100 meters from the ghost room, thing is it just kind of hung on the stairway. No hiss at all-but it was like I was walking through fog for about 2 seconds, almost like a sub-0 room before it just…cleared up. Couldn't tell if it was a glitch or a feature, I wonder if its the same thing?

  6. pretty sure thats ghost mist from the ghost trying to escape the house bc its been harrassed too much. that's just what ive heard but yeah its definitely ghost mist.

  7. I feel like this is what the game need now, more ambience feature like creepy ghost sound,scream and so on. We need to witness more scary weird supernatural things so that the excitement/thrilling is there.


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