Phasmophobia Willow Street Zombies (Call of Duty Zombies Mod)

A Custom Call of Duty Zombies map mod created on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 by Treyarch (owned by Activision), available on Steam. Join us as we fight our way through hordes of zombies while exploring the custom map.


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46 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Willow Street Zombies (Call of Duty Zombies Mod)”

  1. Sharpshooter Matt Quigley is hired from America by an Australian rancher so he can shoot aborigines at a distance. Quigley takes exception to this and leaves. The rancher tries to kill him for refusing, and Quigley escapes into the brush with a woman he rescued from some of the rancher's men, and are helped by aborigines.

  2. This reminds me of the greatest ‘Gunns poops himself’ moment ever gonna look through every episode of phasmo untill I find it. It’s a residential house and not willow street so that narrows it down quite a bit I know the house layout but not th map name. If anyone knows the house with the stairs and basement straight away tv room to the right and piano and kitchen room to the left please let me know

    R.E Meaty is in ghost form and the ghost starts hunting guns and he goes and hides in the toilet

    It was ridge view roadhouse and the ghost was a butcher

  3. I’m kinda late for the comments but I just re came across next gen tactics and omg I couldn’t hold it in it was amazing gunns sounded like a girl and it was ur guys roots before Yaw and it’s crazy

  4. Gunns why do you spend your points while meaty gets all his perks and good guns and then you always end up going down. And he usually causes it to happen by letting zombies run in and then he runs by you and let's them attack you without saying anything


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