Phasmophobia with Random Strangers!

I Tried to Survive Against Ghosts with Random Strangers in Phasmophobia! #Ep1 #Phasmophobia #Ghostbusters #Ghosts #Scary #Spooky


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#Phasmophobia #Banshee #Demon #Goryo #Hantu #Jinn #Mare #Myling #Oni #Phantom #Poltergeist #Revenant #Shade #Spirit #Wraith #Yokai #Yurei

Series Includes:


46 thoughts on “Phasmophobia with Random Strangers!”

  1. Phasmo has had a serious graphic update since I last saw a video. I like the old graphics.. at least then you could SEE! And I have my glasses on, I promise!

    You did pretty good for a newbie. All my info is probably outdated so.. can't really give a suggestion. But some things have not changed(I hope):

    Number 1 tip: DONT SAY THE GHOSTS NAME! You're just gonna piss it off like those Extended Warranty spam calls and it will kill you for fun. You have 5 minutes before it starts to hunt on easy, 2 minutes(I think) on intermediate, no timer on professional so.. everyone gets wrecked. Especially if it's a Demon

    Find a closet or room, close the door, turn your light off and be silent when you see flashing lights because the ghost is hunting. It can totally hear you and see your light and it'll come kill you. If you hide in the spawn room or in the open? You're dead no matter what.

    During a Hunt, your radio will not work, doors lock everywhere until it's over so you can't get in or out. If you're in the truck, look at the activity meter the hunt won't last more than the full length of the bar at lvl 10(means it's hunting) or so I noticed, I could be wrong now.

    The lower your sanity, the more likely you are to hallucinate/have encounters like the whisper, heart beat, grudge noises and be killed.

    As a ghost you can pick up household objects! Scare your teammates to death during a hunt by throwing something at them! It's fun🤣

    In the High School, you're more likely to find the ghost room by listening for a phone ringing. Idk if that's still a thing but it used to be and it was super helpful in such a big area. But some ghosts do wander and they're a pain to track down sometimes.

    You did really well dude and I seriously hope those tips are still useful with all the updates, I want to see more!! ❤

  2. This video may seem to be doing poorly compared to your Minecraft 100 days shadow but remember that YouTube loves to recommend Minecraft and phasmo is pretty overcovered so don't feel dissuaded to play more those that watch it will enjoy it and those that don't are just missing out

  3. I see his editing skills improving although I'm not quite fond of them. He tries to have the same type of editing like ForgeLabs or any other big MC 100 days survival type YouTubers when (in my opinion) he should focus on having something new and unique on editing side AND on his channel. Though if he enjoys making this type of content, I engage him making more.

  4. Wow, people can be so rude. I'm sorry you had to go through that 🙁 Loved the last group though! Real teamwork. I've also been watching your videos non-stop and you're doing fantastic. Keep it up!

  5. I started watching some Phasmophobia at InpulseSV’s channel and some other Hermits. I remembered you uploaded one I never watched and I regret not doing so


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