PHASMOPHOBIA WTF & Funny Epic Moments #22

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We have interactive and original narration with commentary in our videos, we love to interact with our viewers by asking our viewers various questions related to different games and related to our videos, and we also feature most helpful and educational viewer comments at the end of each video we make! We spend over 8 hours each day to bring you helpful and interactive videos that we hope you like (If you do, remember to subscribe!)

Commentary/Narration by Sana➡️

Gameplay of Phasmophobia without any boring parts and only with the best and most interesting highlights brought to you by this channel!
If you love Phasmophobia gameplay, then you will love this Episode #22 filled with only funny moments, rage and most epic lucky plays!

(00:17) – Intro
(00:38) – Moments
(10:32) – Outro

(If there was mistake in credits, or you want something more, then contact us on YouTube or email – [email protected])
#Phasmophobia #PhasmophobiaFunny #PhasmophobiaGameplay #PhasmophobiaMoments


7 thoughts on “PHASMOPHOBIA WTF & Funny Epic Moments #22”

  1. Great video! Love the editing style!
    answer: For me it was Residant evil village, it freaked me out! i just recently picked it up again and it's not as scary as i remember but i had to stop playing for a good year!

  2. Nice! Great video! The game is awesome. I play Phasmophobia on Boosteroid, have you heard about them? This is a cloud gaming service. Hey, what about making a video about them?


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