Phasmophobia: YUP, SHE'S A KILLER! (Coop Psychological Horror)

Meaty and GUNNS4HIRE play Phasmophobia. Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror where you and your team members of paranormal investigators will enter haunted locations filled with paranormal activity and gather as much evidence of the paranormal as you can. You will use your ghost hunting equipment to search for and record evidence of whatever ghost is haunting the location to sell onto a ghost removal team


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#ghost #paranormal #haunted #horror #spooky #creepy


32 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: YUP, SHE'S A KILLER! (Coop Psychological Horror)”

  1. You never see a dirty sink cuz you never let them Turn on the water. You always do it for them. Just let the ghost do it & listen for the sound. Don't add to the ambient sound to find it faster.

  2. Question. I noticed when you look at the camera in the trailer it says to toggle between night vision, sometimes the screen appears dark. Are you using night vision? Or is it just different from the older version?


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