Phasmophobia's "Biggest Update Ever"

Phasmophobia is a 4-player, online co-op, psychological horror game. You and your team of paranormal investigators will enter haunted locations filled with paranormal activity and try to gather as much evidence as you can. Use your ghost-hunting equipment to find and record evidence to sell on to a ghost removal team.

ft. @IGP and @SkillyMcFilly

Immersive Experience: Realistic graphics and sounds as well as a minimal user interface ensure a totally immersive experience that will keep you on your toes.
Unique Ghosts: Identify over 20 different ghost types, each with unique traits, personalities, and abilities to make each investigation feel different from the last.
Equipment: Use well-known ghost-hunting equipment such as EMF Readers, Spirit Boxes, Thermometers, and Night Vision Cameras to find clues and gather as much paranormal evidence as you can. Find Cursed Possessions that grant information or abilities in exchange for your sanity.
Full Voice Recognition: The Ghosts are listening! Use your actual voice to interact with the Ghosts through Ouija Boards and EVP Sessions using a Spirit Box.

Locations: Choose from over 10 different haunted locations, each with unique twists, hiding spots, and layouts.
Game Modes: With 5 default difficulties and hand crafted weekly challenges, there are plenty of ways to test your skills.
Teamwork: Dive in head first, get your hands dirty searching for evidence while fighting for your life. If you’re not feeling up to the task, play it safe and support your team from the truck by monitoring the investigation with CCTV and motion sensors.
Custom Difficulty: Create your own games to tailor the difficulty to your or your group’s needs, with proportional rewards and come up with crazy game modes of your own!

Want More IcyCaress:

SCP Containment Breach:

Darkwood Playthrough:

Sinking City Playthrough:

Edge of Nowhere:

Awesome Videos for Watching:


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40 thoughts on “Phasmophobia's "Biggest Update Ever"”

  1. Icy, I heard that they made it harder to use the 'freezing temp' evidence, since they made it so that It can be cold without being a ghost. Just like it's cold during the winter.

  2. I actually quite like seeing the same footage from different perspectives. I watched everyone's Wobbly Life and laughed each time.
    Are people really upset that four people playing the same game upload similar footage?

  3. Maybe having an episode manager, nuetral party could help yall manage the content split, i agree with igp, as much as i hate to admit it, and as far as drae's new channel i love it!! My newest fav actually. And doing episode 1 thru 4 released by dif channels is a night mare i already struggle following you guys playlist of playthrough without switching creators. . Plus if a vid is half watched doesnt that hurt yall?
    Anyway asked for or not, theres my opinion lol love you guys and all your content

  4. Honestly, I watch all of you and check out every video collab you all put out together. I like seeing other’s perspective even if I know the outcome.
    Just upload more frequently if anything lol

  5. 1:21:00 – As a disabled since childhood millennial who's been on narcotics for 20+ yrs, I developed severe chronic constipation when a new GP Dr forced me to 'try again' with the joke of a pain med Tramadol, which I was stuck on for 6 months, causing me to have such bad constipation I stopped eating, couldn't take more than resting, small breathing, and when I suffered heart & kidney failure about a year later, they had to empty me out too, but I did most of the painful work myself (as I'd been doing for at least 6mo) & literally dropped 40 pounds in the 6wks I was in hospital…

  6. I like the idea of each of you release an episode. Don’t do them on the same day, but do one each day. Also rotate so no one is doing the same episode every time you guys do a mini series together. You guys are great though, always entertaining to watch. Cheers!


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