It should come to no surprise for those of us who are fans of Phasmophobia that the game that was so amazing with it’s sounds has an update that is for sure a winner. This update brought with it all sorts of creepy that renewed the scary feeling that brought all of us to this game and made us love it. So now that Phasmophobia’s big update is here, what exactly is in it? I’ll cover all the exciting new content in this video.
00:00 Intro (DOTS Projector)
00:19 What’s New?
00:27 Speed
00:59 Equipment Changes
01:03 D.O.T.S Projector
01:32 Infrared Light Sensor and New Motion Sensor
01:39 Parabolic Microphone
01:43 Ghost Writing Changes
01:49 Spirit Box Changes
02:04 Video Cameras (and Ghost Orbs)
02:20 New Ghost Types
03:02 Hunt Changes
03:09 Terrifying
03:19 Equipment & Flashlight Changes
03:42 New Sounds in Ghost Events
04:04 Visual Salt Interaction
04:15 Bugs – but QUICK Fixes!
04:40 Quick Deaths
04:59 Head Bob Option
05:09 Glowstick Changes
05:27 Spirit Box and Voice Recognition
05:56 Final Thoughts
06:36 Outro
Let me know if you’ve tried the new Phasmophobia update. If you love it, what parts did you love the most? Where you surprised by any of the changes? If you didn’t love it, why not? If you’ve not tried it yet, what’s holding you back?
For me personally, the Phasmophobia new sounds are amazing! The “Ring Around the Rosies” ghost event is so creepy. Even the new spirit box sounds caught me off guard. I knew that all the items were getting new skins and would look and in some ways perform differently but I didn’t know the sounds were coming! I can’t wait to see what else is coming from Phasmophobia developers!
Big thanks to Alan Fullmer Music for providing the music for this video. Check out Alan Fullmer Music on YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, and anywhere else you get music.
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I post full length videos every Monday morning and shorts every day in the evenings. Streams are typically Thursdays or Fridays with a few here and there in between depending on what I’m trying out or what I’d like to share with everyone else. If you’d like to see me play something specific, let me know! I love getting recommendations!
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
I love the new update. I'll always remember the ghost slowly walking down the hall toward my hiding spot while singing a song. I've only played the update for a few hours, but already gotten some of the creepiest experiences yet out of it.
The update was better than expected. I hope it continues.
The Goryo is one of my favorite ghosts next to the poltergeist. My boyfriend and I were in the truck just watching the screen for like thirty minutes as the Goryo, who was the child model, was just flitting and running around in the ghost room like a kid at play. Though I think we found a bug because on occasion, not often, their would be two ghosts show up in the DOTS which made it all the more fun.
done some interviewing on phasmo speedrunners and they are sad ; the most important thing for runners was to spam the voice trigger phrases which trigger the ghost into making an interaction, now speaking is useless and ive tried that myself for couple of hours…… ghost is afk even though i dont stop asking it for interactions – even more sad is that we had an active ghost that we didnt ask to be active – so the interactions are way too random, im the only one that tried to be positive out of like the 5 people i asked on how they like the update, but i couldnt … but for me, i like everything except what i mentioned above – also i agree they tried to fix everything and i think they did a good job
Loved the video, and as you know, I love the update. Hunts are definitely more intimidating. One little change I appreciate, as someone who likes to go in without a flashlight, is the headcam now casts light when you put the computer on night vision. Very helpful in solo runs and big maps.
Love the new updates. As someone who was sick of getting a banshee every second game, I feel the game needed a massive overhaul.
I rarely use glowsticks beyond markers, but since Insym discovered you can actually put a night-vis camera on your head and see a little way in the dark, I basically don't bother with a torch.
I don't think we need the basic torch any more either. Or have one as a starter torch. I don't think we need four of them. I rarely use sound sensors either.
That parabolic mic, jeez! Where have you been all my life, darling. First tool I pick going into an investigation now.
New sounds, new hunts has made it harder and spookier, but that's what I wanted. Phasmophobia got to a stage where it was just so… "yep. Go in. Find ghost. It hunted. Oogly boogly.
And on hunts, the new crucifix design and the way it gets used. Absolutely on board with this.
Overall? Prefer it to Ghost Hunters Corps all up. Always did, and this just sealed the deal. A few things to work out still like cameras not turning off in your hand, or again, freezing temperatures NOT in the ghost room as I found last night on Tanglewood (ghost room was the nursery but the lounge was the freezing room). A solid 4/5.