PlateUp! with Tango and Jimmy and then Phasmophobia with Jimmy, Scar and Grian
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God I'm sick of Phasmo.
Timmy phasmo let's go!
Yayy phasmo with mr. Jiggles!!!
Woooo phasmo with mr gaming!
Jimmy Jiggles was the guy. Anything we needed, he’d get it pronto. Guns girls cars fake money you name it.
Everyone went through jimmy for everything.
Things got pretty greasy when Jimmy went into the restaurant business with Skizz. A cut of everything had to go to Big Top. skizz was part of his crew. It’s how things worked back then.
Anyway. You didn’t mess around with Big Tops payments, and when they couldn’t make another payment or borrow another dollar from the bank, they busted the joint out.
The insurance company got wise, and they were history. The judge gave Jimmy and Skizz 10 years like he was givin away candy. A year later Big Top was caught up in an extortion charge and had to do two years.
Dinner in Prison for wise guys was different. They owned the joint. Red fish, pizza, wine, you name it..
you welcome for the gifted subs 🥰
I am absolutely loving all the phasmo!!!!!
Edit:Friendships are being ruined because of that Obake… That stupid Obake!! That was SO weirdd!! I am more impressed by the fact Grian was even considering Obake!
OOoookay. This session was majorly cursed. Grian and Skizz were cursed 100%
To be fair, you guys did not take it seriously at first, and you are lousy at working with new players as much as you enjoy playing with them. The pranks RUINED your first couple runs.
Grian, you are usually the one PUSHING for better organization and actually using deductive reasoning, but you were disorganized this time. You made assumptions instead of working through the clues.
Impulse's cheats make him successful (to be fair, he DID take the time to learn how to find good hiding places and how to evade ghosts on hunts which are GOOD GAME PLAY), but Grian and Skizz, you two usually work at finding the clues when you take the game seriously.
Scar, sorry man… I am still trying to figure out where you are really at. You spend too much time playing around to tell if you take the game seriously enough to get good at it or not. Sometimes you seem like you are a hard working player trying to find clues, others you seem more interested in playing something else entirely.
As a final note: When you guys have a new player you SHOULD lower your difficulty levels. When it is JITS or GIGS, you are a team who has worked together for quite some time. You know each other and how each will play. When you have someone new, they throw a monkey wrench into things. It throws off the groove while the new person finds their place in the game. WORSE you assume the new player will just be a stand in for whomever they are replacing, instead of working out a new group dynamic. This actually hinders the new player… Instead of letting them find a playing style, you end up using them as tools and laughs until they figure it out for themselves (if they figure it out). You are not good at working with new players as a group. Instead of taking new players in and showing them how to use the equipment and play the game, you prank them. While it is fun seeing their reactions to the pranks, it is not good for them as players and slows their integration into the team.
During a hunt, sections of Sunny Meadows get locked off. Yureis don't lock doors with its ability.
Skizz: being a good little ghostbuster
Ghost: And I took that personally.
impulse is the chuck norris of phasmo, hands down
you guys said imposter so many times. I miss among us video with the usual crew.