playing phasmophobia and struggling December 22, 2020 by Mel Mercer Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn this was so heinous lemme know if you want a part two lmao I love this game – INSTAGRAM: mel.mercer TWITTER: lizardwizard666 source
I like this style of video. As a fan suggestion, maybe along with your other content, you could just play games and make videos out of that? I don't know how much time you have on your hands, but I think it would be really cool. Reply
You’re so swag Mel 💅🏼😎
please add turkish subtitles please please🥺
Is this Pansy from Harry Potter?
I love her room soo much by the way you have a new subscriber
I'm here from her french video
I like ur swaggyness
this is my comfort video i hope you know
Wait isn't this the French homework lady?
Your gorgeous lol
You look cool
me watching this at 6am feeling very holy
Mel holding a thermometer as if tryna test everyone for covid
I just started watching Mel and I think I love her content now-
where that part 2 dafuq
Doe you have twitch?
The ghost is kinda swag but your swagger 😸
Lmao how yall was talking shit to the ghost 🤣
Hey ghost its me your boi ✌🏼
gotta grab Jesus for those ghosts
I like this style of video. As a fan suggestion, maybe along with your other content, you could just play games and make videos out of that? I don't know how much time you have on your hands, but I think it would be really cool.
Can i join your french class @mel mercer or is it @melmercer