Playing Phasmophobia with an ACTUAL DEMON – LVL 2252

This guy is a DEMON! I have no idea why he sounded like this, but that is terrifying and hilarious at the same time. Hope you enjoy this absolute mess of a public lobby in Phasmophobia. Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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NOTE: this video was recorded on patch v0.25.9.8


40 thoughts on “Playing Phasmophobia with an ACTUAL DEMON – LVL 2252”

  1. Not sure what the clicking on his mic was, but the slowdown sounded like a mismatch in audio sampling rates. It's as if the mic is recording at 44kHz but the PC treats it like it's 22kHz.

  2. I would pay so much money to have this guys voice lines as noises ghosts make when they hunt you. Instead of croaking it’s his voice lines. I’d pay so much money

  3. I had to have my roommate listen. He said it might be audio in the game (beta). It might a hardware or software issue the guy is having. (Voice mod was also an option but the ticking noise-reminds me of the end of an old film reel sound-is odd) But mostly, since he's not able to do proper diagnostics, he has no clue and he's never heard anything like it before. lol So a computer expert who currently works with our city (police, fire, etc tech issues) and in the field for over 20 years has no clue. ha haa.

  4. I don't know how or what happened to this guy's mic, but damn! This is phenomenal and hysterical xD
    I wonder what the comms is like if you got him as a teammate in other games.

  5. lmao hilarious, interesting game!

    I read a comment here saying they had a similar thing happen to them. If this is a bug with the game, could it be related to that bug that happens whenever the game lags? I'm sure you've had the game lag, and then everyone sound high pitch for a couple seconds. I think it's because of how pitch is tied to playback speed.

    You'll notice that in Phasmophobia when it lags, instead of cutting off what the person said, it speed up the person's voice to catch up. This might be some weird glitch related to that.


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