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1:30pm – 8pm Central Time (CST)
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ahahahah holys shit! they talk in the mic now?? awesome vid Dusk.. time to call Sonoket and RandomBritishDude 😉
Great vid as usual, Dusk. Wanted to thank you for your great work. And my dogs want to thank you for the free slice of pizza that I threw when the ghost appeared out of nowhere as you were walking down the hallway. This video pleased EVERYONE!
moar vr please 😉
This was terrifying😂
Was that voice actually the ghost? That was freakin creepy!
Nice one dude, big respect for phasmo in VR, it still scares the shit out of me
This is funny as hell, but you sounds super unhealthy. Are you ok, dude?
12:24 That was the biggest nope ever lmao
Dusk, we're all wondering the same thing and we need an answer soon. When is Team Sexy-Rock-Tea-Hair-God-Cup doing a reunion hunt? Last time I saw you guys together. . . it was either you were snipping off puppy dog tails or you got bounced off a door sticking out of a winnebago because some horrible people put it there.
I hope you do decide to do more solo VR. Multiplayer is fine too, but nothing is quite as scary as solo VR!
Your intros are dope! I couldn't figure out what it said at the end.
wow dusk been freaked, never thought I see the day. Cant wait for more videos even if their not VR
While I think the new intro is pretty well done, I still prefer your original opening CG from your twitch streams that you brought over to youtube. The village/tavern and ambiance I feel is much better polished and sets a better atmosphere for these types of videos.
Your intro is awesome!
I thoroughly enjoyed your fear 😆 🤣 😂 glad you had a good run through this round hope to see more! Hope you are doing well as well!
oh yeah the tavern's crossing the pond. forgot that new intro was coming in
A few things from a guy who only plays VR:
– Run isn't always on, it's a mistake they made in the steamVR controls because they're made for Oculus touch controllers, You have to change sprint to click instead of touch or whatever it's called
– For the moment, you can still place the dots projectors on random objects in vr because they forgot to block it like in flatscreen
– You can take photos at lightning speed in vr by letting go of the cam and grabbing it instantly after, just like when you switch items in flatscreen to reset the camera
– You're a pussy ( just kidding, you're the best )
please do more D: love when you're scared
That's what I love about this update! It scares me like it never has before.
Awesome stuff Dusk. I always enjoy your Phasmo streams and seeing you almost freeze when entering the house like it's your first time playing again is amazing. VR is really something else with this game.
what did the ghost say in the parabolic mic? I tried replaying a few times and couldn't make out what it was saying
Lol, I think Dusk s*** his pants… I actually did too after the new update…
You gotta do more of these!!!!! ASYLYMMMMMMM!!
https://youtu.be/r5OPTj7fKVw dusk!! I saw this and thought of you! Not sure if you’ve seen it yet but I figured you would get a kick out of it!
Love to see how scary phas has become with this new update, although vr looks more terrifying than even Id like. Was strangely satisfying to watch you so nervous, usually so calm and methodical 😂😂
love it! more vr solo plz!
that timing of that first jump scare was perfect just as a took a sip of my water, well played well played.
Well, now surely phasmo will not put you to sleep for a while lol