Playing the New Phasmophobia Map! With Grian, Impulse and Skizz

GeminiTay and friends are playing phasmophobia in the new update!


48 thoughts on “Playing the New Phasmophobia Map! With Grian, Impulse and Skizz”

  1. If Grian can multi-task playing Phasmo and watching England doing soccer ⚽️ on TV, then he should have no problems with Skizz and Impulse watching the Arizona Diamondbacks playing baseball ⚾️ while on Hermitcraft. Fair's fair.

  2. My mom and her side of the family is from Massachusetts. It's in New England which is in the NE part of the US on the Atlantic coast, looks like it has an arm flexing a muscle called Cape Cod. If you can't pronounce Massachusetts, just call it Mass.

  3. I gotta say I have been watching you for a while and you guys have to be my favorite group that plays phasmophobia and other games together so I’ll say it for the rest of us always continue making content of this game

  4. At around 2:26:30 or so there must be a glitch in the game. You can see DOTS (several members of the live chat even mention it) but they occur while it is hunting, plus they already had spirit box (only 1 evidence on insanity), plus DOTS isn't even an onryo thing.

    Or I'm losing my mind. Also possible.

  5. hi gem! love the content as usual and i think i have another game for you and the gigs crew. Its a game called "Abiotic Factor" its currently out in early access but has a big update coming out.

    its a survival crafting, alien horror, story driven game. I'm currently playing it for the first time and have about 30 hours in it. my friend has about 60 and hasnt quite made it to the ending just yet. It does have proximity chat but that's a bit janky atm, so we just use discord

  6. Gem's here trying to figure out the ghost while the boys are getting distracted by sports and fire. Definitely don't think they can do nearly as well without you Gem, they just need to listen to you more.

  7. My parents agreed to get me phasmo for my Christmas ! My dad’s even up to play it with me and I can’t wait! I love watching yous all play phasmo and I hope you continue to play it in the future

  8. "I HATE THAT HE CAN'T HEAR ME. i love making fun of him!" uhmmm Gem, ever stop to think the two things might be related? because i feel like they might be related.


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