Playing the NEW Update with CJ and Psycho – Phasmophobia LIVE 🔴

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33 thoughts on “Playing the NEW Update with CJ and Psycho – Phasmophobia LIVE 🔴”

  1. Can I ask you insym do you ever wish you could erase your memory of phas and start completely over again? I started 3 days ago on ps5 and I'm hooked I play solo alot because of you and I'm really trying to learn everything I can I'm level 15 after 3 days and iv already gotten a few ghosts the demon keeps getting me he's a bitch lol I just thought I'm trying to play as similar as I can to you but do you wish you could truly learn all over again ?

  2. Happy halloween 🎃🎃 and happy diwali 🎇🎇🎇🪔🪔
    (Diwali is a festival of lights in India where we do the worship of goddess of money and light up firecrackers and all night till early morning

  3. Voice recognition breaks if you load into a game with it set to text. It's like whatever controls voice recognition just doesn't load. If you go back to the main menu, not in a lobby, then set your recognition setting, it works just fine. At least with my testing.

  4. My cat would eat cables and cords when he was a kitten. When cats eat cables and cords, it means your cat's are teething so it is best to hide cables and cords like I did with my cat. He stopped chewing on cables and cords with in a day after I started hiding my cables and cords and I made sure he had plenty treats and toys for him. I hope that you will try this @Insym. Both your beautiful kittens are teething right now and that is why they keep chewing on your cables. Just hide your cables and distract them with cat treats and toys and a whole lot of love! My cat's name is Patches and. he is now 4 years old and he loves watching your videos with me. He is a beautiful and awesome indoor cat. I got him the day he turned 2 months old but I met him when he was 2 weeks old and so tiny and his eyes were not opened yet. When your kitten's eyes turn green, they have reached their adult eyes. Kittens keep their blue eyes for 2 to 4 months old.

  5. Me and my brother were playing ps5 version, i unlocked tripods, and they were glitched out. If you dropped it, your hand would glitch out of the map, though inventory is still fine, but on the other persons pov you are still holding the tripod like some bootleg headcam

  6. When me and my friend were playing earlier. One game would pass and we’d have an entire percent more. We played for a few hours and ended with a Deo. I love taking my deo for a walk :3

  7. The update brought more breakage. Quija boards don't always hear your voice, ghosts still not acting like they should but the best one is the voodoo doll animates when you take his picture asks dances at camp woodwind (love that part)

  8. Like many have said ,cable protectors are amazing when pets love to chew on cables(used some for my bunny).

    Also if necessary start using wireless headphones. I know I had to, because it was starting to get expensive to replace them every time xD

  9. I find it funny that he thinks he can control a cat. Make no mistake a cat is not your pet, YOU are their pet unless they are like our cats who are more or less employees who you pay in food and living quarters, one of our cats lives in a vehicle shed, he pretty much lives off field mice, squirrels and birds. The other cat comes and goes as it pleases, in the summer it could be a week between sightings but then spends almost the entirety of winter sleeping on or under my daughters bed. But the job gets done and there are next to no mice in the shop, sheds, barn or house. Everybody works on a farm.


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