Playing with the Most EVIL Players in Phasmophobia – w/ CJ and Psycho

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we FINALLY play with CJ and Psycho again! If you don’t know them, CJ is the Lead Artist of Phasmophobia and Psycho is an awesome Phasmophobia YouTuber. And this time Psycho went absolutely evil… Let’s see if I can survive playing with them. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

Check out CJ and Psycho!

I stream every day on
Livestream VODS:

Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


21 thoughts on “Playing with the Most EVIL Players in Phasmophobia – w/ CJ and Psycho”

  1. The game should keep track of which ghosts you die to so you can look in your stats to see what ghost you die to the most. along with a stat that shows the ghost types you often misidentify. so you can see what you are struggling with.

  2. I had seen in the going live channel of the Discord group that you were playing with Psycho and CJ and i've been waiting excitedly for ages to watch you and the chaotic duo play because these videos are my favorite videos ever <3

  3. Insym! Your jokes and videos brighten my day so much! I'm chronically ill and recently got a little worse, but as I prepared to get another IV drip I saw a notif from your channel. While getting the drips I've watched this video and I laughed, got scared, and was invested in the missions alongside you and CJ and Psycho. Whenever you three stream, life gets a little lighter a burden to carry!! Much love 💕

  4. I've got a friend with a mic issue where he sounds like he literally explodes every once in a while, it's like a microphone in the microwave type of moment. And it's literally the most scary thing ever because it's super random when it happens.

  5. Insym, I play phasmophobia and then I found you on Youtube and started to watch your videos. I've learned so much about the game with you. Thank you for helping the players by explaining about the game.

    I'm from Brazil, a big fan of you and your work <3


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