Should also mention, you just can leave, pick a random ghost and take the glass Orb that has now spawned outside the truck with you and you will get the badge! Happy hunting!
Hi, thanks a lot for the guide! I have a question: does the level 1 UV Light (the weaker UV flashlight) work for this? I haven't been able to successfully do this with it 😭
If this helped, please leave a like here or a like on my steam guide!
Should also mention, you just can leave, pick a random ghost and take the glass Orb that has now spawned outside the truck with you and you will get the badge! Happy hunting!
How do u found this?
Do you know if this will give the badge to everyone in your lobby? Or does everyone have to do it separately
Hi, thanks a lot for the guide! I have a question: does the level 1 UV Light (the weaker UV flashlight) work for this? I haven't been able to successfully do this with it 😭
Thank you for the video, helped us out alot!
thank you boss
I just exited game when I did it and I didn't get the badge, do I need to exit via the truck?
1:53 Important note: That is not the orange solid ball, it's the red solid ball. After multiple failed attempts we finally realized this.