That’s really good
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Ceres Fauna
【PHASMOPHOBIA】 Fearless & Fearful vs Ghosts
Nanashi Mumei
【PHASMOPHOBIA】Do Not Fear, Mumei Is Here!
Hakos Baelz
≪Phasmophobia≫ can i be the tech guy w/ Fauna, Mumei & Kaela
Kaela Kovalskia
【Phasmophobia】this gonna be fun 😇【Kaela / Baelz / Fauna / Mumei | hololive】
Omaru Polka
Easy Day – Kevin MacLeod
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#ceresfauna #nanashimumei #hakosbaelz
Lol… F…
Did you clip the first polka instance?
The circus had a flash mob performance lol
Polka is the most random person who'd actually do that in a collab
Hisoka would be proud
Fun time to watch them laugh at
Polka is more chaos than bae, change my mind
I love Polpol and her randomness 🤣
Lol that was hilarious 😂😂😂
I wonder how long she's been wanting to do something like this to EN/ID.
They finally unlocked an achievement: 'Random Polka Appears'
Polka's EN Rep points increased yet again 😂
“Wait, that wasn't me? I thought it was me.”
–Kaela, probably
I'm imagining one Scooby Doo episode. The gang finally solving the mystery, unmaking the ghost and….IT WAS POLKA ALL ALONG!
Polka got them sussing each other out but it was her the whole time.
lmao i was watching and for a moment i legit thought that was Mumei's doing.. until i saw Polka's icon on the side lol
"Para-Polka Activity"
Sneak in into voice call
Claiming to be a ghost
Confused everyone else
Refuse to elaborate further
Truly gigachad
a POLMAO moment
It's a Polkageist!
Polka Ghost Medal get!
Only 0,05% of players get this achievement.
On serious note, Polka is truly a wholesome gal.
Like everyone, whether JP, EN or ID, can just immediately get along with her.
Polka: *random sounds
Me: yes, clown ghost
Nee Ghost mitai daa