In the Phasmophobia weekly challenge #31, we revisit the challenge ‘Primitive’. I’m afraid all of the electronic equipment has short-circuited, you’ll have to make do without. Challenge mode is a weekly rotational difficulty where each week a different challenge will be available offering unique modes ranging from Intermediate to Insanity and beyond. You also get the chance to check out the different equipment on certain challenges from Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. If we finish this week’s challenge 3 times on Ridgeview Road House, we get $5000 and 5000 xp!
00:00 Game1
15:54 Game2
28:03 Game3
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiaupdate #weeklychallenge
Just Camping For A New Video
I just beat primitive yesterday. It is really difficult.
i gave up 5 minutes in
Damn man, why are you like 2x the volume of everything else on youtube? Damn, hard to watch you at work! …but I will anyway… 🙂
A true "primitive" challenge would have you set up a tent and crap instead of coming in a truck…no candle holders, some strange chemical dust for UV, rubbing sticks together to light smudge…you know, everything that was created using electricity of any sort at any time would be off-limits.
Flash can you be my dad?
Pls make more long video
I dont understand how under-rated you are.. you have such amazing knowledge of the game and have the skill sets 🤷
I like this one
Aawww Flash is so gracious to sing Happy Birthday to the Ghosties 😂❤
Best thing about the weekly challenge videos. They are longer because of the 3 games
Can confirm if you use the cursed object right away, your countdown is gone. When I did this challenge I used the board when I first walked in and was hunted immediately after.
My friends and I did this, and it was difficult!
those are the high tech remote operated sanity pills, prob…🙂
Bro what did the salt do????
This dude is a legend that got me interested into phasmophobia and now I'm leavel 11 in 1 week thank u
It is funny 'cause my friend said exactly the same "what's the electronic about pills?" But in the end pills weren't really necessary. For me the most exciting part was making the ghost hunt and escape the hunt while we were trying to figure out which ghost it was. I'm always gonna thank my friend for introducing me to your videos, 'cause I've learned so much from your videos, that now we have started playing nightmare.
Just finished the challenge yesterday, I got two Mimics and a Demon.
39:01 As far as I know, ghosts cannot hear you or detect electronics when they're on a different floor.
Using the cursed possession to cause a hunt will zero timer, otherwise you're fine.
Last week I had dots and ghost event at the same time 😂
it felt pretty funny when i loaded in and me and my buddy went "ight guess we usin glowsticks to see"
How many evident they gave us in this mode?
Round 2 => I'm fairly certain that the area between the dining room and kitchen with the little cupboard/lamp is it's own tiny 'room'… I've had freezing temps locked to that little zone. Might be worth double checking room names with the microphones one day.