Week 5 of the Phasmophobia weekly challenges tasks players with completing 3 runs with NO electronics. The Primitive Challenge reads, “I’m afraid all of the electronic equipment has short-circuited, you’ll have to make do without.”
This challenge proves to be one of the most impossible challenges yet. One that tests Baron’s skills to the max. But for a hunter of Baron’s caliber, this is merely child’s play. Or is it?! Will he conquer this challenge with ease, as he has conquered every challenge before it? Or has Baron met his match?
Don’t forget to check out Baron on Twitch and join The Bearded Baron’s Crew Discord. Let him know in the comments if you want to see more Phasmophobia content like this or anything else you’d like to see. And, as always, if you enjoyed the content, please leave a like, share it with a friend, and subscribe!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/th3beardedbaron
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hy5Z8kgpqE
Edited By: @samanthaeleanor19
Ultimate Beginners Guide: https://youtu.be/mUF1g3paDsY
New Difficulty Mode: https://youtu.be/GPogU1Msbic
3 in 30 Challenge: https://youtu.be/HEhcWi__r-M
this challenge is painfull
Look ma, I'm famous
Also Baron went primitive during this challenge. Trust me I was there
Looks like Baron has never played with safety timer
Me and my friends did this challenge and we got a jinn three times in a row
It doesn't need to take your sanity in game, it gets you in real life! Lmao I need to try this mode!
First 10 likes
23:15 the challenge has setup phase and the timer is still ticking, so sanity doesn't drop below 50%. You can abuse the board in setup phase by spamming questions and check for emf 5 through activity monitor
This was super easy and fun! I got mimic 3 times in a row
It only took me 5 tries… Baron… get on my level xP LUL