For more context, check out Roseman’s video on TikTok titled “Pros be like.” He uses methods in the game that don’t even exist to identify ghosts. His partner who is a new player ends up arguing with him saying that those techniques don’t even exist. He ends up getting the ghost types correct anyway. I tried one method in that video and got it correct on the first try 😂
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This video was recorded on the Phasmophobia Update v0.11.0.2
#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #horrorgaming
What's happening? 😂 feeling dumb atm
Before you guys think this is a real thing – it's not. There is a hilarious viral video floating around where two people are arguing during some Phasmophobia rounds because the pro in the team is using methods in the game that aren't even real to find ghosts, this being one of them. I can't believe I actually got it correct when I tried it though 😂
Looks like it's just a trolling.
Look at the full caption
Heres the explanation for anyone wondering
If the flashlight falls that exact way then its a mare every. single. time.
Bruh I just had the biggest mind fk after watching this 😂
me thinking I finally learned something new.
RNGesus gotchu 😂😂
Pov playing with a Prestige
Why’s it titled “doesn’t make sense”? You did the mare light pole test. Anybody that plays on at least nightmare mode should know the light pole test for the mare
Here’s a detailed explanation of what’s going on:
My question is how long did it take you to get a mare?