Thanks tweak sensei for teaching me the basics ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Had alot of fun despite being called an idiot,ALOT. (≧▽≦)
Check out tweak’s channel,he makes sick music that goes brrrt skrr kyah NI-
Tweak’s Channel:
Friends in the video
• Tweak
• Teerta
T H E R M A T O R Y clip again 🗿
"Wait, he can do that? Don't threaten me with a good time" I'll remember it Jappy ; )
I is idiot lmao
ngl that moon walking kind of smoooooooooooooooooooothhhhhhhhhhh :floosh:
also you're going to see something soon. guess which is mine
[Jappy] if you dont have an editor for videos contact me
Ill tell you the Details privately
But if you already have then nevermind.
Jappy we miss you :'(
Jappy why did you leave the discord?