PROFESSIONAL Ghost Hunting Skills ┃ Phasmophobia
Only the best skills for these ghost hunting losers. Also, sorry for the delay in uploads! As soon as I figured out a schedule I wanted to stick by, I ended up getting a nasty cold and suffering. I SHOULD BE GOOD NOW THO. I’ve returned again from getting milk
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiamultiplayer #phasmophobiagameplay #phasmophobiafunnymoments
Yaaaay a phas video, I luv u ashlieee🥰
Poggers ashlieeeee!
Hey I have tried to watch Ashlie's streams on twitch but it refuses to let me see past streams. Is this normal?
Hey guys i love the vid and btw have u guys played nightmare mode? If not just to let u know:
-when the ghost kills someone it will keep on hunting sok basically if all of u are in one place then ur fucked
-all the closet and lockers have stuuf in them so u have to survive with them
-ghost will hide the last evidence so u have to go by how they act like weakness and strength e.t.c for example "if the ghost never hunted in the light but u turn of the breaker it starts to hunt more often then u know its a mare."
-candles are huge soo choose the candles over the flashlights
-the is a 100% chance of a oiji board
-a the screens in the van are broken soo u have to ask the ghost on the oiji board about ur guys sanity
Thats all i can rememer for nightmare…
P.S- the ghost can find u if u have a camers or an Camera or anything is like eletric basically ;-; so when it hunts best to drop them honestly (general info about the game)
I- this is the earliest I’ve been- a whole 9 minutes ago? Anyways I love your phasmophobia vids hope y’all keep having fun like this for a long time
I love your content ashley!!
I'd be a become a ghost in .001 milliseconds if it meant Ashlie would throw it back on me
Not gonna lie Fizzy sandwich story is so amazing and so funny makes me just want to just listen to her stories even more. Love the vid Ashliee! 😄
First off…Eii! Phasmo! ❤️ second…Poor Davy, he just wanted "Validation" this Christmas Season 🤣 aaand the Californian made it into the vid again 😂😂😂
Fizzy and Ashlie are one of the best comedic teams imo HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
I've started playing Phasmophobia (by myself)
And the basement of this house makes me unnecessarily uncomfortable. Too many rooms.
Like one room inside of the basement is fine but two rooms is too much
I'm already laughing and I've only seen the title and thumbnail
Ashlie and Fizzy= best couple 😂😂
Great video Ashlie! I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope you have a wonderful day! I always love watching your videos- they make me smile!
13:55 fizzy sould have said for are dinner date to Ashley that would have been funny
•♡@AshlieCeleste 2 more years for your future kids 2 girls and 1 boy♡•
Good thumbnail 👍
Mm yes, my favorite story: how my wife left me by Charles Dinkins
Hi, sorry I'm late mom! Was finishing a concert, but looking forward to watching the spooks! 👻 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
How dare I be late again to an Ashlie video
love how uni and davis died and then it was just Girl Time With The Ghosties
0:23 lol
That thumbnail is immaculate! Chef’s Kiss! ❤️
669;) likes
Davis’s dramatic “I’ve lost everything, Ashlie.” With eye contact before dying was amazing
Omg does fizzy work at firehouse?!?!? ME TOO…..AND I CONSTANTLY WANT TO KMS!!!!!!!!
Can you bring dead by daylight back please!!!
I don’t care that the games popularity has decreased, the game could be the worst ever and I’d still watch it if it were played by this group ❤️
where did tommy go?
Uni and Fizzy : “you’re valid, you’re seen” Ashlie : “You are unseen and invalid” 😂
David you always valid to me!! your face maybe not but you always my fifth favourite 😂