Protecting my Team… – LVL 2693 Phasmophobia

WHY COULDN’T THEY JUST LOOP??? I cannot believe I actually lost my entire team to this ghost… I’m sorry hahaha This really shows you that looping is a skill you have to learn! if you don’t know what you are doing you will often get yourself stuck in dead ends or will take your corners too wide. I hope you enjoy this painful game of Phasmophobia! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


48 thoughts on “Protecting my Team… – LVL 2693 Phasmophobia”

  1. This was the evening when Insym was grimly reminded, why he so often hunts alone. The pain of loosing his teammates, his friends over and over again is too much for him to bear. So he continuous to hunt ghosts solo. Ghosts who are weirdly always attached to the same 8 locations. For he may find a ghost one day, that can make him rejoin with everyone he has lost so far.

  2. Hi insym . Hope u are having a great day . Do you know when a new map maybe be coming out ? I'm about to have surgery so I'm going to be in bed for a few days so I'm bout to have a lot of phasmy time to play . Hoping a new map will be out soon.

  3. i've always been curious as to why vodoo dolls count as interaction photos because they're dolls, you have no proof they are connected to the ghost in anyway and they don't even do anything, they just sit there motionless


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