Hiding is an important Phasmophobia skill. And while normally I’m okay at it, sometimes I panic and fumble around in the dark and well… things go sideways fast. Needless to say this was one of those times. I did manage to smudge the ghost but rather than going to a normal hiding spot, I fumbled around in the dark in the kitchen… not really hiding at all and well, surprise – the ghost found me. I dunno, maybe I was hopeful the smudge would make her go somewhere other than the kitchen but I guess I was picking on her pretty hard. She obviously wanted to kill me because as soon as the smudge wore off, straight to the kitchen she came.
Remember, gaming should be fun!
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame
First time I’m actually awake for an upload, its 5am here 💀
i am dead
good at taking pictures failure at running
Wow new ghost