QUADRA KILL!? Phasmophobia on NIGHTMARE MODE is TOO OP!? Sykkuno Phasmophobia with X Charlie Poke

QUADRA KILL!? Phasmophobia on NIGHTMARE MODE is TOO OP!? Sykkuno Phasmophobia with xQc Charlie Pokelawls

► Credits:
Sykkuno: https://www.twitch.com/sykkuno
xQc: https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
Charlie: https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal
Poke: https://www.twitch.tv/pokelawls


11 thoughts on “QUADRA KILL!? Phasmophobia on NIGHTMARE MODE is TOO OP!? Sykkuno Phasmophobia with X Charlie Poke”

  1. I mean it was actually a really easy one, they had all the evidences they needed to know the ghost type. Sykunno even said it in the end before he walked into the house

  2. "nightmare mode too op?!" well yes if the ones who are playing it have no idea what to do and all four players are on amateur to intermediate level, then obviously it is "too op". They were searching for a third clue when there is none lol

  3. Public lobby is hell right now, i had so many noobs joining my lobby asking for nightmare maps, and leaving when u tell them they're not ready for it

  4. On nightmare ghosts only give out 2 out of the 3 evidences, you have to guess the last one, and on nightmare the ghost can kill everyone, basically the hunt doesn't ends because 1 player gets killed, it ends when the timer has ended, which is how it can team wipe.
    I play nightmare solo, am not even good but if you know the game mechanics it's not that hard tbh.


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