You will not beleive how the potato figured out this ghost during a super scary 0% sanity challenge in the prison. To make it even scarier the potato was not using any hunting indicators and some scary ambient sounds. So this means this is basically candle only, no building lights, no light switch checking, no checking of global comms that indicate a hunt.
12:12 Found the ghost room
27:57 Rare ghost power
35:44 Moved all the necessary items near the ghost room
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Ambient sounds –
BTW I didn't mention the banshee since the banshee's intent for doing that is to hunt its target at any sanity and for the other two it isn't. Have you ever noticed this ghost's power like this?
0:09 POGtato
How can you determine if the ghost is haunting without any indicators? Is it because you don't hear any loud footsteps?
Thank you for doing another one of these runs! I love these!
Damn. Got chills from some of the sounds in this one. Good stuff as usual mate.
I have a few questions and was hoping someone could explain this a bit more. Is this power something the phantom can do at anytime? Or do you need to be below a certain sanity for it to wander to you? Does it wander to you and start a hunt if it catches up? I would really appreciate some more information – I have yet to experience this myself and am super intrigued.
I think you're crazy little potato person but I love your videos
Potato has a very nice smile 🙂
Too bad I am allergic to potatoes. How bout that?
Hey Psycho, what is your fav type of cooked potato? Because this ghost wanted to have a potato-based meal XD
One Williams was in an asylum while the other is in prison. William and Carol must've been struggling with some stuff before they died. 😢
As much as I love the potato cam it's hella distracting how often you lick over your upper lip
i wonder of the potato notices the tongue thing x3
Dont mind me just made a timestamp for myself
That tongue action xDDDD
WTF WAS THAT AT 56:36 !?
I saw weird fog in the ghost room on the camera last night! Never seen it before 😳
Is that something new?!
100% banshee can do it too.
it happens to me 2x. we're at Highschool and we can't find the Ghost room
(because we are Ultimate potatoes)
almost 30 mins no G.R the low temperature starting to spread and the Banshee keep on teleporting to our location and chase only me. with that behavior we decided to put banshee because she only wants me and keeps on teleporting on my face. lol
I think when you're at 0 sanity the Ghost territory expands and they can teleport to your position
(banshee in my experience)
Wait… what did the ghost do? I can't see a thing 🙁
If I had just watched another 2 mins before asking I would've heard you explain lol
Lol. Love the Potato, sooo cute. Thank you for your uploads, greatly appreciated.
The candle kept jumpscaring me with that visual it gives when you get near any surfaces. The truest spook was the candle all along, projecting tiny ghost candles onto all the walls.
Why use a candle at 0%?
When I was starting this game, one time i discovered that was a Phantom, because I was getting EMF readings inside the van and I couldn't find other clues, Wraith and banshee wasn't in the list of potential ghosts…
Died to this on high school…
who would copystrike a harmless potato?!
I'm guessing the truck is so far away because the truck driver's a scaredy cat. 🤔🤨🙄
Still… park the !#$@%!! thing closer to the gate fer crying out loud! 😁
@Psycho Oh one other improvement I'd suggest for the game, it can be can limited to just one instance per session (which is fine as I usually play solo nowdays LOL).
Gimme a BACKPACK so I can carry more stuff! Now it doesn't mean I can use all that stuff, I just wanna cut the number of times I gotta haul ass between the ghost room and the truck hauling crap to there!
I can live with the 3 usable items limit, just wanna carry more stuff in one transport trip. Say for example, the backpack carries 6 items, plus the 3 items in hand. I can access the 3 hand items at any time, but if i wanna access the backpack items I'd either have to drop or stow the hand item(s) into the backpack.
Clicked on vid. Realised it was an hour long. Thought I'd watch 10mins and see. Stayed for the entire nail-biting duration. With brown pants. GGs!!
Fucking love the potato ahahah
57: 45 love how the walk through salt got triggered just before you looked at the objectives XD
Wasn’t that a Banshee ability?
I have never seen such a concentrated potato 😀
18 minutes: I'm calling out a phantom. Even if DK made it harder to do it, but you still can see an EMF lvl 5 on the screen
So now that the ghosts can hear you talk, can they finally hear the global comms static during a hunt ?
I've been watching insym do challenges in this game and thought he was crazy, but this guy is trying to lose.
I thought it's power it's to get control over your mind and that it can take obession of you …would be very creepy if they put into the game, that if the phantom uses it's power your movemend will be mirrored. So if you press Left, you walk right, if you press RUN you crawl and so on….
Love the tayto! It might make things too easy for you, but it'd be a nice change of pace to have building lights or flashlights sometimes so we have more visuals.
that tongue action on this potato tho, that's something else.
This is most exciting gaming potato I ever seen