REVENGE of the NECK TWISTERS! (Phasmophobia w/ Nanners, Gassy, Chilled & ASNW)

D-did anyone bring an extra pair of pants?
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What is Phasmophobia?
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
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38 thoughts on “REVENGE of the NECK TWISTERS! (Phasmophobia w/ Nanners, Gassy, Chilled & ASNW)”

  1. Not gonna lie, the fact they keep on saying the name is infuriating. A quick google search shows you all the questions and commands they respond to; none of which mention saying the name unless you want it to start hunting.

  2. Just some time stamps

    2:37 ghost cub scouts
    7:05 James Davis
    8:19 Nanners got spooped
    9:12 bad jokes can get you killed, Chilled
    10:21 summoning a ghost
    12:21 second hunt
    15:22 things you thought you’d never hear…
    16:46 it’s hunting Adam
    17:26 avenging Adam’s body?
    18:59 James Davis peek-a-boo
    22:42 end of first official mission
    26:42 realist hearing problems
    27:06 dad is kicking them from the nest
    29:45 is dad getting remarried?
    32:36 ghost whispers
    34:18 100% telling mom
    36:36 don’t need to listen to dad…?
    39:51 stay calm, and hide!
    40:52 it’s going off again
    41:11 getting Adam killed
    43:02 dad’s not getting custody
    45:01 what are we telling mom?

  3. he talks about pissing Robert off to take a picture and that may involve one of them dying;
    Robert is hunting (they achieve what Chilled wanted): immediatly proceeds to scream and look away from the only way the ghost could appear to take a picture


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