D-did anyone bring an extra pair of pants?
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What is Phasmophobia?
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
The Others!
Youtube : hot and cold stupid on tap.
Me: lets out a soft moan as I get comfy
Chilled: "Guys… I think someone's here. I heard a girl moaning"
Me: "Oh shit… Am I the ghost!?"
That ghost really loves America, killing all the naysayers like that.
1:46:05 Chilled: I'm going Yurei
Also Chilled: Didn't select a ghost and put freezing temp x2
Me and my OCD for knowing the game: REEEEEE
The title brings back memories lmaooo damn
Chilled: "can the ghost ever go outside, Max?"
Max: "No…"
Me: "Actually…"
I love a good ole M&M vs. AA 😂😂
Not gonna lie, the fact they keep on saying the name is infuriating. A quick google search shows you all the questions and commands they respond to; none of which mention saying the name unless you want it to start hunting.
It's amazing how attractive Chilled still is 😤😊😳😍🤠
Good to see the boys back together. This reminds me of the good old TTT and hide&seek days, please do more stuff like this 😀
Having watched a lot of these videos now, hearing the ghost's name being said so many times makes me flinch
19:28 all desi households have that carpet lol even i d- wait a damn minute uhh?
its the same carpet o- god
Just some time stamps
2:37 ghost cub scouts
7:05 James Davis
8:19 Nanners got spooped
9:12 bad jokes can get you killed, Chilled
10:21 summoning a ghost
12:21 second hunt
15:22 things you thought you’d never hear…
16:46 it’s hunting Adam
17:26 avenging Adam’s body?
18:59 James Davis peek-a-boo
22:42 end of first official mission
26:42 realist hearing problems
27:06 dad is kicking them from the nest
29:45 is dad getting remarried?
32:36 ghost whispers
34:18 100% telling mom
36:36 don’t need to listen to dad…?
39:51 stay calm, and hide!
40:52 it’s going off again
41:11 getting Adam killed
43:02 dad’s not getting custody
45:01 what are we telling mom?
i love and hate this game so im using it as a workout exercise
41:15 had me dead. Seananners scream killed me XD.
1:40:20 at this point Nanners is possessed and is working for the ghost.
he talks about pissing Robert off to take a picture and that may involve one of them dying;
Robert is hunting (they achieve what Chilled wanted): immediatly proceeds to scream and look away from the only way the ghost could appear to take a picture
"Honey, I killed the kids"
1:30:00 to like 1:40:00 i was constantly thinking "put the goddamn cruc on the floor, ya dumbasses."
I appreciate the release of this content not for consuming more of my day time but for allowing me to enjoy a game I can't afford longer.
"I looked up a picture of your name in the dictionary"
You guys have no idea what you are doing, do you?
Dick is short for Richard not Robert my man 😂
the second you ask if the ghost is in the bathroom, the writing appeared. that shit was scary!!!
oh my in 39:47 time mins I seen a ghost man try to stop a video on my time and you should see it.
yeahhhh, holding on to the crucifix is the opposite of leaving it on the ground
'Just toss it'
tosses it
one minute later
Exploring school
Chilled: "I'm not finding anything."
Is skipping 5 rooms at a time.
1:02:18 Top 5 favorite moments. Easy.
Like your so CHILDISH! I would’ve been pissed just play the game CORRECTLY
39:44 Chilled was literally inside the ghost XD
No joke got a phasmaphobia commercial at the very start of the video
51:40 (hears phone ringing) Djinn, calling it now
I love the call of duty sounding "GET OUT OF THERE NOW YOU HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME"
I know Chilled was too spooked by the footsteps to notice in that last one, but just a second afterwards the motion sensor went off too. It was comin for that booty
Guess they havent figured out that there is only ever 3 pieces of evidence, no more no less.
title: phasmophobia
youtube ah, yes AMONG US.
The shade they got started killing like a demon. When I get the Shade we don’t get a picture of it or event for nearly 20 minutes.