Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are going to level up FAST by doing a NO SANITY & NO EVIDENCE challenge. The console update is almost here so I’m trying to get to level 90 before that happens so I have all the Tier 3 items! ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.1.3
The Halloween update will be the 28th of this month. The Console update will be the day after on the 29th!!
Damn man, i'm so high having big pizza and soda, having my best night atm watching insym. 10/10
Insym you should do another friendly ghost challenge! Love your vids man keep it up
The guy who wrote ` Hi future me´ at the beginning of the video in the twitch chat! Hahaha
I almost enjoy these settings more! Your so good that these setting require you to do a little more than usual.. sometimes even having to go on a whim! Regardless I love the content and am really becoming addicted to these Phasmo streams/vids
Can you play paranormica roblox
Can you ban people on YouTube? Asking for a friend…
Phasmophobia next update:
– added ghost type: Potloodventer
40:00 He looks so sad 🙁 Poor nakey ghost, give him a bathrobe
So weord lately i been getting 2-3 same ghost in a row alot. Mares, and wraiths mostly.
a phasmo noob here, how do insym and everyone knows its a yurei at 1:20:23? Thank you
Will you be getting the game on both consoles or just one console? That will be two separate extra progressions starting from level 1.
insym! play ten bells
I NEED THIS GAME.. pls 29TH come faster (no homo)
When are the devs actually giving some content to the game though… i feel the game has forever been in early access, and horror 2.0 is not even on the horizon. I don't even think we even want horror 2.0 anymore.
william williams is exactly like that singer
phillip phillips
Hello INSYM!
Did you noticed the paper in the board? The new paper is forshadowing the new map!!!!!
In case you wonder, yes, Insym forgot the lighter right here: 19:10
atleast not 12 revenant in a row 💀💀💀
I was playing with my friend and we got a Hantu 3 times in a row which was insane, we then got a thaye and then another hantu and I think like 2-3 games later another Hantu.. No idea how, it was crazy
they should rework these ghosts with unique abilities bind to its ghost model. for lisa they should make her do a special ability 20% chance of just walk normally and after 2 to 3 seconds of exposure to her line of sight, theyll get 1 shot. some of the ghost ignore smudge sticks.
i want something like this because today almost 80% of players dont ever use hiding spots anymore.
Dude I stopped trusting the paramic since yesterday. I knew the ghost was a Banshee (had all 3 evidence). But it took it 5 paramic voices to scream finally. When in reality after a 3rd try you should write it off as a Banshee.
30:44 Fuck you Shorsey(?)
(I can't spell names)
The irony in forgetting to pick up your BRAND NEW tier 3 lighter is hilarious😂😂
Love watching insym in bed & learning more phas
is it just me or does anyone else fine it extremely satisfying when Insym say's "Let's not waste any more time." at the beginning of his videos.