RPG MEME | G.I.G.S. Phasmophobia Animation |

Finally completed the video. CSP is a lot harder to use than flipaclip 🥲.

Hope you enjoy!

Original Music: https://youtu.be/E286KqzpkKw?si=vifur4_6tiiblFwq


26 thoughts on “RPG MEME | G.I.G.S. Phasmophobia Animation |”

  1. I frozed in fear when Scar suddenly disappeared
    but then I questioning, why did he leave his shirt, did he… took it off 😭⁉

    besides that, very fun animation!! GIGGS looks so silly

  2. Absolutely perfect – I love the attention to detail!

    Just listing off some of my favorite small bits
    – Impulse is still alive when everyone else is shown missing in the "select your character" screen (technically gem isn't shown dead either but shhhh)
    – The roles! Scar just generally being a wild card, Impulse with the spirit box, Grian sitting in the van and Skizz with the photos!
    – Gem's card is the intern card!
    – Everyone's reactions to being told no! I really love how Grian just facepalms and Scar laughs it off
    – Charlie Chaplin was being the "huh?" moment – iconic

    The way you are able to express their personalities in the facial expressions and how everyone moves is great!

  3. At Scar's intro page: "confused but got the spirit!" HE GOT THE SPIRIT?? RUN!!!
    I LOOOVE scar cracking up at their reactions to his butt-pic suggestion. oh my goodness. It made me smile so wide.
    Honestly, any and all Scar moments in this. Also what the HELL is the hitler thing a reference to. It's CLEARLY a scar!mistake. Did he call Charlie Chaplin that. Please I'm cackling.
    This was lovely.


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