Ryan and Shane Hunt For Ghosts in Phasmophobia • Survival Mode

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Shane Madej & Ryan Bergara

Annie Jeong

Brittney Lee

Associate Tech Director
Brendon Ryu

Ethan Ramos

Sam Young

Carter Lau

Mark Celestino

Annie Jeong

Ben Forman

Jett Thorn

Frank Parker

Froyo Tam

Lizzie Lockard

Katie LeBlanc

Ryan Bergara
Shane Madej
Steven Lim


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Music Provided by Audio Network
SFX by Audioblocks
Watcher Logo Designed by Jennet Liaw
Watcher Logo Sound Design by Yuta Endo (@yuuutaendo)

Watcher. A network from Steven Lim, Ryan Bergara, and Shane Madej.


25 thoughts on “Ryan and Shane Hunt For Ghosts in Phasmophobia • Survival Mode”

  1. I'm always fascinated with how Shane always seems pleasant and funny even if he finds shit boring or annoying lmao he's very straightforward with his comments (as usual) but there's really no heat in them. I kinda knew they wouldn't like Phasmo as much as people do, but imma still watch anything as long as Ryan and Shane are in it 😆 lezzgo ghoulboys 👻

  2. Phas is the type of game that’s really only fun once you’ve taken the time to learn how to play, if you just go in blind and wing it you wont really get anything done. Also really only fun in multiplayer because otherwise it’s so slow trying to get everything done. I hope they come back to it because it really is a blast once you get a hang of it. Probably bring in a guest that knows how to play

  3. All these triggered comments about them "not understanding" is hillariously Narcissistic….. This is like telling me I don't find the babadook or slenderman scary and fun because I don't know its origins…😂

  4. “Everyone in the comments is going to be yelling at us that we’re playing it wrong” yeah because you didn’t bother to learn how to play and then complained that it’s boring. 😭 Like maybe playing it wrong actually affects gameplay experience sometimes… Skipping the tutorial and ignoring how the game works is going to make everyone frustrated because of course you’re not going to get good results. As a Phasmo player I was worried this was how this video was going to turn out 🥲

  5. actually, i gotta say this. I love the boys i really do — buuuuuut this is some of the lowest effort content you've ever released. I'm just being honest here. Phasmophobia deserves a bit more respect in terms of learning the mechanics and what the goals are in each game. I might cop a bit of flak from this comment but I really think it needs to be said. You may be on a budget and this may be a filler between your other stuff but please please give Phasmophobia another go after a little light research. Even just play through the 10min tutorial off camera so you have an idea of how to find the ghost type and not die during a hunt. Its not like real life hunts because – as Shane puts it – there's an actual ghost and its trying to kill you! key difference ITS TRYING TO KILL YOU haha

    still glad you listened and gave the game a go if nothing else!

  6. I'm sorry you had a less than stellar experience with Phas, but trust us when we say it's leagues better with friends, with in-game chat only, and with at least one person who knows how to play! Also, sometimes you gotta let down your guard and let yourself be scared so the adrenaline makes the game more exciting. Hope you give Phas another try in the future!

  7. i’m glad you guys listened to us and played this but it would’ve been 100x better if you played it together as it’s really intended and also knew how to play it LOL

  8. Love you guys. But for a season finale…I feel some homework should’ve been done on probably the most requested game. Or at least do the tutorial…definitely a multiplayer game and a bit of a learning curve where a guest that knows the game and you guys play with them would’ve been awesome. Kinda ended the season on a wet fart…

  9. What I always found impressive and creative about Phasmophobia is that you could identify different types of ghosts by the clues (!) you got, and eventually you developed some basic knowledge about which kind of ghosts leave which clues. So you get the feeling in the game that you can really improve as a ghost hunter, and that it's not just about jumpscares, but tactics as well. The fact that there is always a new type of ghost in new missions also means that it doesn't get boring.
    But don't think that Ryan and Shane are not even trying. They are doing their best to make this interesting and beeing positive. I just don't think, that it is a game you play once without a tutorial and alone… And since this episode format has a time limit, they will probably never have the chance to fully experience it. The only thing that really made me sad is that … Sometimes I felt like Ryan was trying to come across as ironic when it came to how stupid he thinks everything is and how much better his real ghost hunting is, but for me personally it often came across as cynical. I don't know if it was his tone in which he said it, but I may not handle his brand of humor very well…. And I know that's probably my problem, but I just wanted to leave that here because I think that's what the comment section is for. No idea if they even evaluate the comments in any way, but I think constructive criticism is never pointless.

  10. at times like this I miss pandemic era bc it would be so much more interesting if they played it as multiplayer and talked through walkie talkies in the game ..


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