Demonologist is a new co-op indie horror game a lot like Phasmophobia. I teamed up with the infamous Lunch Lady Crew to bounce these spirits back to the shadow realm BOOM
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"The kamekameka"
YAY! It's the return of the Lunch Lady Crew 😊
You know you're in for a good time when it's the Lunch Lady Crew 😍
😂👌🏼 perfect
Dom screaming “NO JOHN NOT LIKE THIS” fucking killed me 😂
Love the dynamic between you guys, you work so well together 😂
This was a fun video, but idk how I feel about the not so random random events. It doesn't do much for replayability for me. Also at 51:20ish you see the spiritboard, is it always pointed to "no" or did the ghost move it and I missed John and the others pointing it out?
Edit: also at round 5 i can't figure out the name of the ghost because all I can hear is Reachy Hands 😂
Am I the only one who always wants to see what John’s characters looks like?
i read the title as dermatologist
Always good to see a John Video. But I must ask… why is everyone shirtless?
It would be so hard for me to not make fun of that dude’s goofy-ass laugh
i like this video it was good
Hahaha Dom is the funnest
god these videos are such a good time
man i love this gang LMAO the fact theyre all so chaotic and noisy (pos) makes this SO nerve wracking when john stays alone, the perfect combo
John being more scared about asking women's weight over the ghost themselves 💀
I'm if its like phase but with the candles and trying to get it blown out, have u tried to set the candle down ANF then see if the ghost blows it out? Maybe they wouldn't blow it out because you were holding it. Idk maybe just a thought.
Im here for DOM laugh … hahahahahaha
i am enjoying this kind of content – accompanying me when i am working overtime. keep the great work!!
“Yo Macey, what’s up girl?” Ya’ll are too funny 😂
Maybe it's just me but I think that playing atmospheric horror games in co-op is more fun to play than to watch.
Whatever creepy atmosphere a game like this might attempt to create just disappears among the constant chatter.
Everybody: dies Screaming'
John: yeah uhmmmm let's meet at the van! wanders off
very funny rounds!
In England we sometimes say “someone popped off” meaning “someone died” so when Dom was joking around saying they were “popping off” that made me laugh 😂
I love how they're all half-naked with just no explanation
You played a game a while ago, where you was trapped alone in a park with a killer, can't remember the name, did you get to finish it?
Hey John, it would be really fun to watch you play through White Day again, and maybe also check out its sequel? Always a treat to watch you play games.
this is basically like watching ghost adventures 😅
Love watching you guys play games together. So entertaining and fun.
The C Ghostbuster team. Sure they are cheap but they kinda does their job
i gotta say this. your hair is lookin amazing
The description for the video lmaooooo "I teamed up with the infamous Lunch Lady Crew to bounce these spirits back to the shadow realm BOOM" Love the Lunch Lady Crew vids, they're pure gold! I think my favorite joke was "Don't ask the ghost her age!" "Don't ask the ghost her weight!" "TELL US YOUR AGE AND WEIGHT"