Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find HER again! Yes that’s right, we found Lisa once again. The story continues! What an awesome adventure, I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.0.2
„Did you kill CJ??”
Lisa refuses to answer the question without her lawyer
Lesssgooo lisa
If a medium can communicate with ghosts, imagine what a large could do!
who’s the girl in the beginning of the video that is drawn alongside insym?
Lisa be like "o fuk it's that stalker again" x3
Quem diabos é Lisa?
"Are you a princess"
"Are you single?"
Insym: "CJ died last time we've met Lisa"
CJ on his way to delete that name from the game: "If there's no Lisa – that means I didn't died to her"
imagine Insym finds a irl girlfriend called Lisa
Lisa is still angry that you brought CJ. XD
It was supposed to be a special evening and you blow it by bringing him.
!!! i had lisa wilson yesterday aswell. she scared the shit out of me and my friend with her ghostevents ! xD
New best spot to hide: Behind the door! (actually how the fuck this works)
Imagain if Lisa said yes when insym asked are you SINGLE??!!
Lisa dose not give a crap about anything
Lisa is such a savage
Insym: “are you sorry?”
Lisa: “Attack”
proceeds to attack insym
I really don’t get how that door spot keeps working for him xD, i tried it several times and the ghost always pushes the door into me and then kills me. Also, yes my flashlight and everything else was turned off. i think i might need to use the spot in the bedroom instead ^.^
This is the reason why i watch this religiously, for the drama with Lisa…..she's so toxic!!
Another epic installment in the continuing saga of Lisa and Insym. Tonight's episode, "Revenge For CJ"☺😀
Next time you find a Lisa you should definitely try to have a candle-light dinner with her. I don't know how, maybe she ghost events you perfectly in front of the desk you prepared. You will find a way, I'm sure ^^
i like to imagine the neighbours in these situations. picture this
Youre aleep, its 2;30 am, you stirr in your sleep as you hear a small comotion from your neighbors house. Its peaked your intrest, so you get up out of bed and decide to look out the kitchen window that looks directly into your neighbours house, you see the lights are flickering in one room and you hear a weird groaning and another voice, a voice you dont reconize screaming.
You are tearing me apart Lisa!
Lisa left you a foot because she’s your sole mate.
Petition for Insym to make a Lisa playlist
they should make an easter egg, if insym and lisa are in the same game, the ghost will do a ghost event right away someone enters, to greet papa insym to the house 😀
I got Lisa after watching this
"Are you a princess?"
😂😂😂 how dare you ask her that, of course she is!
Is it any Lisa or does it have to be Lisa Wilson
Who's Lisa?
The Lisa hype dance and the chat being excited is just so great
I had a ghost named “Insym Williams” then I said “are you insym for real?
Next time we see Lisa she will be a grandma but still will bring everything she’s got
Hey I am kind of new to the game and channel so can someone please explain why is Lisa so good?