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50:06 – Best Christmas song ever. 11/10. Truly spectacular XD
34:12 untill 34:20 Thar timing. My words exactly XD
A mansion map modeled off of the mansion from the haunting of hill house or the haunting of bly manor would be super cool
37:15 cameras in the ceiling are normal lmao
I wish that if a friend gets killed, you have to figure out what kind of spirit they are
Would like to see a huge haunted castle as a new map. Twice the size of the prison.
I want COVID gone to
Would be awesome if you could use the spirit box on already dead characters
I’m like zombie
I will sleep in the shower and stay in for five hours straight I will even eat dinner in there
If he doesn't want his beard he can put it back on top of his head
With how long zombiemold spends in the shower he should change his name to zombiemildew
I think a morgue would be creepy and awesome as a level.
OH MAN SO theres this teacher who decided to set the new alphabet song…to Korn's Coming Undone. Its BEAUTIFUL
Know this vid is a few months old but hope this new agency your with is treating yah better Wade…also Maker/Disney doing something like that does surprise me.
Common Core math: Confuse the crap out of your children so they never understand math's use, by teaching in a way that no one else EVER LEARNED IT, and in a way people use it the least.
Later they can figure out on their own that multiplying 78*4 is faster by multiplying 80*4 and subtracting 2*4 = 312.
Did she say ooja board? Haha
My pole went up looking a wade if ya know what I mean ;D
9:33 sigil of Lucifer it's a demon
Wade, they put out a Tweet today saying new stuff coming to the game! I want you and the boys to play more!
“What do you want?”