This video shows you how much value you can get out of Crucifixes and Smudge Sticks if you are dealing with a very aggressive ghost. Even though this was a super short quest this ghost still managed to use all our crucifix charges and we smudged it as well. Chain hunting in Phasmophobia can be very annoying sometimes so make sure to use your crucifixes! I hope you enjoy, much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.6.2
Dang, if I knew this like 2 months before, I could have saved like +30 hunts. That was the most aggresive ghost I've ever seen, and the funny thing is that I don't have even 100 hours on Phasmo
YouTube is failing to remind me when the next video. Bruh. Anyway I love the multiplayer videos
the scream at 833 gets me good this was a great game of phasmophobia
Insym do the no flash light challenge
someone in your group: "you're a boring demon"
proceeds to rewatch intro and reread title
oh man gonna be some entertaining next 6 minutes of this video
It's soooo satisfying to chuck the cameras down stairs and watch 'em roll. XD
yeahhh, back watching my favorite streamer
wait how can you talk during the hunts? do you like mute your mic only in the game somehow?
Yay, new video.
Could you tell me ur specifications, im curious
Hi i just wanna ask, how can you not get bored playing this? haha just wondering
I love this game and love your videos! Your laugh is so contagious too!😄
New power unlocked: Smelling the ghost
Love ya Insym!!
insym when’s the next solo game of phaseout
the best way to not die is to avoid entering the house when you get to the sanity threshold. didn't experience my first hunt until level 103 that way.
I appreciate the one person in chat who said "Snakeeeeee" referring to the song you sang. What a good lad lmao
I don't know what's going on when I use the smudge stick to repel a ghost during a hunt, but the other day in Willow Street House I activated the smudge stick once it started hunting after the delay and it rushed me and when the smudge went out it was in my face and killed me haha. Not sure if my buddies and I are doing something wrong, but it's happened a couple of times.
Thank you insym I am really grateful for this knowledge, please continue doing this especially you and psycho
I really enjoyed this video! Thx for the content.
Day one until he puts a heart to my comment
Insym: My sign
That other guy: OUR sign!
Insym: Give us a sign.
Ghost: Gives a minecraft sign.
I would be suprised if someone was at a higher level then you.
Fun fact: i have 40816 goals in the basketball hoop in phasmophobia
hi insym, can you tell me the time you normally start your twitch streams cuz i have a lot of free time and i would like to watch your streams to pass the time.
ive been watching you on youtube since your first phasmo video and i would like to start watching your twitch streams
I like Ghost Hunters Corp, but I love Phasmophobia. Insym makes the games amazing
That Wilhelm scream
Insym: are you here
Ghost: have this spoon take it or leave it
I actually do grab different equipment to start depending on the map.
The funniest knock knock joke ever:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Nothing who?
Why are you speaking to yourself the is nothing there.
“Oh the ghost is here!”
I have different builds for different maps. Small maps I usually take flashlight, emf, crucifix so I can already start the find for the ghost and when I've found it, possible protection if I don't notice sanity drain. and then in the big maps I usually start with flashlight, lighter, candle to keep sanity up till I get the breaker and find the ghost room, then I leave the candle in/outside the room to find the room later and go back for the evidence items XD
damn you look tired no offense you should get some sleep take care of yourself 🙂
Am I the only one that hears a little bit of Mini Ladd in his voice?
You know, I wonder if adding a “prevented hunts” statistic would show how many hunts you stopped. That’s would be cool I’d say.
Can you do yourself, give us something, show a sign?
Now that i think of it, i have been wanting a new house
Insym: Guys,he's right here! misses picture
Also person:*Willhelm scream*
Bro 0:40