Do you use the Smudge Sticks for you phasmophobia objectives or do you use them to save your ghost hunting behind? Did you even know you could save your own life with the Phasmophobia smudge sticks? While I was aware they would do most everything in this video, I was surprised how you could use them to make the ghost completely lose track of you. Most of the time, it was just a few seconds of time but sometimes, it was quite a while as the ghost decided to run into an office and file some paperwork. Weird ghosts.
00:00 Intro
00:24 What is a smudge stick?
00:34 How to use
01:02 Using a candle
01:29 Active and used smudge sticks
01:41 Accidental smudging
02:00 How to troll your own teammate
02:09 Smudging as an objective
03:00 What the smudge stick is used for
03:19 What to expect when smudging
03:43 How to save your life
04:59 Worth carrying?
05:17 Smudge stick nicknames
Thanks for watching my Phasmophobia guide on the smudge sticks. Hopefully some of my phasmophobia tips have helped you survive your own hunts or finish some of those objectives! Thanks for watching!
Big thanks to Alan Fullmer Music for letting me use his amazing music in my videos. Go check him out at
Smudge stick video by Anastasia Shuraeva at Pexels.
#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaguide
I forgot I had monday off lol
3 weeks ago I said that Smudge Sticks can make the ghost wander for 5 seconds and she tested it.
Your YouTube is good i Love it hope you do good
So you like Fortnite
Well you have fortnight profile
Oh yeah I love using that 90 second shield when it's time to bugger out, oh nice you got the ghost I nick named "bloody mary" on prison. I see her in my nightmares
Hey! I called burrito on my other stream! 🌯
The time and effort you put into these videos is second to none and it shows. I admire your abilities and clear crusade for quality.
I call the smudge stick the tamale or hot pocket 😀
(edit) I love the intro!
BIG VIDEO !!! 🙂😃 Yes i have always been saying Burrito even though i have never bought any but my mom made me some in the past XD
Sometimes I call it like chaulk or a cigarette but I don't call it those often.
I actually learned a lot from the video…. it was great
Woot! More Content and Tips! Smudge sticks IRL smell really nice to me, before they burn, and not so bad either while smoking. White sage is nice. "Make sure there's a Grudge before you Smudge!" is gonna be a phrase I try to remember to remind me that the ghost needs to be around to clear the objective. Thanks for the Vid!
My friend call it "bacang" bcs its look like bacang. Fyi bacang is traditional food from my country. Lol
What I’ve tested with smudges is that the ghost will either stop in place for 7-10 seconds or slow the ghost down. Great for small house-like maps. And I literally call then smudges. Not a lot of creativity there lol