So I Made A Catwalk For A Revenant… | Phasmophobia


So I made a catwalk for this Revenant, and the most bizarre thing happened.

Explanation: The line of sight seems to be a little broken at times with this update – so the Revenant was actually moving at their “slow” speed when they don’t have line of sight of the player. When he did actually manage to acquire line of sight, you can see that he speeds up dramatically.


27 thoughts on “So I Made A Catwalk For A Revenant… | Phasmophobia”

  1. Revs seemed a bit bugged these days. i was in your stream this day and tested this too then after i saw that. Revs seemed to lose speed when they get blocked or losing line of sight for a short moment (even if they see you again). After some period they are speeding up again like a normal Rev.

  2. Found this channel just the other night with your Campsite guide, which was super helpful. Newish to game and hadn't really bothered with Sound Sensors until then.

    I love the mental image the video title gave me: a ghost just strutting their stuff to "Staying Alive" or something similar.

  3. there is a bug with the revenant atm where it will move very slowly when it does not see anyone but it looks like the rev is just almost blind atm so it has a very hard time seeing you but when it sees you it runs right towards you

  4. Revs are strange these days, i was playing with firends and one died to a rev, i went in to sacrifice and look at the speed of the ghost, it was painfully slow, absolutely not as fast as when he killed my friend, and we were both standing in plain sight!


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