Solo Professional High School – Phasmophobia

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1:30pm – 8pm Central Time (CST)

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29 thoughts on “Solo Professional High School – Phasmophobia”

  1. I’m about a level 160 and almost every time I use the thermometer I can find the room. Once and a while I’ll need the parabolic microphone to help but that is extremely rare. Even a little drop shows where it is, at least in the beta mode I’m using?

  2. Hey man, new to the channel and digging your content! Quick question though; What happens if you're about to leave the high school (you can see the front entrance and you're in that open area at the start) when you start getting hunted? Are you just dead or is there a side room to hide in? Haven't played high school yet.

  3. Man playing this game solo is scary. Haha. I picked the smallest location on amateur and was still spooked. Of course the ghost picked the basement as it’s favorite spot. Kept turning the lights off on me and growled in my ear. Nope.

  4. The amount of people seriously scared bout this game never ceases to impress me. I've only 22 hours in the game and have already done all the maps solo in professional, its really easy with enough patience. I know "fear" is really subjective, but I don't really get why this levels of fear are so widely spread lol.


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