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Cool vid
you should do vr pavlov zombies holy smokes would be insane
I love watching you guys play phasmophobia. So funny!
Its been years and there still friends its amazing how my childhood icons still entertain us
Ha, what a great title
Thank you guys for playing this so much!
The Ouija board helps you find out where she is and how old she is
Love you
Before I watch I guess guns died cause he's famus for it
Hay guys thanks for uploading. Made my evening better. Eee errr
U guys should play gtfo if u haven't.
Yaw are the best (haha play on words)
Not even watched it yet but I bet it's gunns lmao argh!!! Girl scream,……..
pictures of fingerprints work to
😂🤣 you always make me laugh
You know what… I can see these two Ghost hunting in real life!!
Bruh the way Gunns yelled Meaty. God that was genuine panic that his friend was gonna die
Helo Miedy en Niels Lets go wet de Beautiful game freindns🤓✌️👍👌🤩🌟✔️
its fun watching but painfully at the same time since we tell them what to do in the other videos of phasmophobia in the comments but they complain on how they cant figure it out
Awesome! Hope you do more phasmophobia
That title had me laughing before I ever started watching. Win or lose you lads + ghosts = entertainment!
Do u guys play on steam most of the time or just pc
What do want then it saids (Cash)
hahahhha. so fun
you move faster when crouching
You guys should also watch some other YouTubers play Phasmophobia, like IGP or Insym…you might learn something, like you never bring the book or thermometer in first…always EMF and Spirit Box…and then Guns should just be given a candle and a lighter…hes important😁…and if youre playing the new update, ghosts will now target anyone who is talking in game…which they apparently never used to hear you…and they can open doors now…so…
Cash not hurt
Meaty: Did you hear the whoosh?
Gunns: Yeah
Me: Did you hear Gunns scream?!?
Guns die hilarious
Pov: Your the one guy who disliked
The title. “Someone Dies…guess who” 🤣
You guys know you can totally die in the closet, right? It is not a safe place, especially if you're talking lol
Turn off flashlights when hiding ghost can see them
I just came back for the first time in 4 years you guys are doing great
ah yes please 100% the game it's worth it late stage you'll see 😉
It's nice that we got a two-fer on this one.
9:20 Wait that ghost said "CASH" not hurt it's a hoax lol
39:10 Gunns’s “NO MEATY!!!” was of pure terror! 🤣
The YAW guys are ghost huntes again and hilarity begins again… haha
Gunns literally died in real life🤣
thank you for the video.
When meaty puts a dip in I can always tell because my dad chews.
That "woosh" sound is the scare thing it does it like takes sanity just like being in the dark way too long