Speedrun! | Phasmophobia Challenge Mode Week #3

In the Phasmophobia challenge mode week #3, we have ‘Speedrun!’. Challenge mode is a weekly rotational difficulty where each week a different challenge will be available offering unique modes ranging from Intermediate to Insanity and beyond. If we finish this week’s challenge 3 times on Tanglewood, we get $3000 and 3000 xp! This was an easier challenge compared to the first 2 but was fun seeing how fast we could do it.

00:00 Game 1
2:21 Game 2
7:20 Game 3

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5 thoughts on “Speedrun! | Phasmophobia Challenge Mode Week #3”

  1. The first game is really fast ( 2:20 ) , the second and third game took 5 min. I think it is pretty hard to get 3 times a ghost which gives fast reactions. Btw Good game 🤯 please make some more videos of using monkey paw in you tube


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