You probably wont read this but a little tip for actually getting EMF 5, everytime the ghost does something, like the telephone rings or it plays the piano, bring the EMF over to where the ghost did something. It always helps me if I'm struggling to get EMF.
I feel like a terrifying but entertaining feature that the developers could add to the game would be that at higher difficulties, ghost that respond to the spirit box gain the ability to lie about certain things they’re asked (like whether they’re safe, or about there locations in proximity to the player using the spirit box)
For wraiths, they can't actually see doors and can completely phase through them so if you're playing against a wraith and it starts hunting you need to hide behind walls and furniture to break line of sight, and don't both closing the door cause it does nothing.
my grandfather received 3 kittens a month or so after my grandmother passed a year ago from a family friend. now, no one and I mean no one ever thought that my grandfather would ever be a cat person after only EVER having dogs, especially, farm working dogs. he looks after them and seems to enjoy them. i haven't had a chance to see them yet but from what the family says he loves them. i do like cats but never owned one mainly because I don't have time to take care of them especially a kitten let alone a self sufficient cat. i work 14+ hr days…
Just recently started watchin your personal channel, loving it
This has been uo for 6 hours and onky 1 comment???
I don't have time to catch a lot of streams so I dig this a lot, thank you Mr. Risinger
My fellow jon! Lovin the silly goose times hunting ghosts!!
I love this group a lot. I do however miss Ify and blain screaming. If only there could be 6 people parties.
Aw hell yeah, I was hoping you'd be back with this game!
Matt: He was in the dining room right?
Jon: No he was in the entryway
Ghost, half a second later popping up in the dining room LMAO
You probably wont read this but a little tip for actually getting EMF 5, everytime the ghost does something, like the telephone rings or it plays the piano, bring the EMF over to where the ghost did something. It always helps me if I'm struggling to get EMF.
I admire Jon's dedication to wrangling these idiots
I love how Matt shouts “get your power level up” and a haunting starts. I blame Matt. lol
I feel like a terrifying but entertaining feature that the developers could add to the game would be that at higher difficulties, ghost that respond to the spirit box gain the ability to lie about certain things they’re asked (like whether they’re safe, or about there locations in proximity to the player using the spirit box) When Jeremy could've easily screwed over Jon
Love how much you guys are streaming stuff
12:14 i
58:56 "welcome to the rally"
1:43:55 Jon messing with Jeremy
This was hilarious. I might have laughed too hard at Myatt trying to burn down the house lol.
Y'all should play firefighting simulator. Markiplier played it recently and it looks fun.
It would have been funny if the top comment was followed by a happ ta tap.
The notifications are annoying as fuck.
I'm in a really hard time in my life rn and these make it better! I'm actually waking up to watch rt and ah content instead of sleeping all day.
Love the VODS I didn’t know you were a streamy boy too Jon I’m happy I have more content 😂
Ok, the kitten whacking dice around was definitely a highlight of this vid. Like, love you guys, but that was freaking precious.
the kittens just melt my heart T>T
For wraiths, they can't actually see doors and can completely phase through them so if you're playing against a wraith and it starts hunting you need to hide behind walls and furniture to break line of sight, and don't both closing the door cause it does nothing.
There’s a little yellow streak near John’s back, then he screams in pain 😆
omg adorable kittens!
So Trevor essentially jinxed himself in this stream by saying that he never dies right?
my grandfather received 3 kittens a month or so after my grandmother passed a year ago from a family friend. now, no one and I mean no one ever thought that my grandfather would ever be a cat person after only EVER having dogs, especially, farm working dogs. he looks after them and seems to enjoy them. i haven't had a chance to see them yet but from what the family says he loves them. i do like cats but never owned one mainly because I don't have time to take care of them especially a kitten let alone a self sufficient cat. i work 14+ hr days…
Thanks for the VOD to keep me company with a broken foot lol. Hope you guys all have a good Christmas and stay safe
I kinda want these 4 to do a podcast called "Hey van fucks"
time for re-watch number 6 or 7
Always remember the risinger rage quit
38 k views, not even half close to a tenth likes or dislikes
I peep that "You suck at cooking" Book
Also, strangle how the portions of this video where the camera was aimed at Jons crotch were the most wholesome.
How you doing today
Will how you just want to catch a Ghost with your friend
woah is that jam ringdinger from om the spom?